Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 31: Me, Again

Pencil sketch!

I can't believe this is the last day of January, can you?! The year is just chugging along...

I have good news...I cleaned Luna's litter box out this morning! Yay me!!

Monday, January 30, 2012

I Guess I'm Just Lazy...?

Remember that pact I made with myself, officially on my blog, to scoop Luna's litter box daily? I haven't done it since I posted that. I can't lie to you, dear blog! I really should make it a part of my morning routine, like after I make my bed (which I do EVERYDAY), scoop her litter box. Maybe I'll give it a try tomorrow and let you know how it goes.

Today I spent the day at home and it.was.wonderful. I went to the gyno early this morning for a check up (nothing's wrong, don't worry!) and I was home by about 9:30. Then I spent the remainder of the day, until 7:30pm, at home. I did laundry, wrote a paper for my humanities class, painted my finger and toe nails, and watched a lot of tv. It was glorious. Tomorrow's school day, and between school and babysitting, I won't have another day with nothing to do until Sunday, so I'm really glad I got to take advantage of today like I did because I wasn't expecting to! I thought that paper was going to take me a lot longer to write, but it only ended up taking just under an hour! It's definitely an hour's worth of effort too, so I'm honestly not expecting to get an A, and I'm okay with that. I've gotten an A on everything else in that class, and right now I have like a 97%. I'm sure, even if I got a C, it still wouldn't bring my grade down that much, and if it did, I still have TONS of time to bring it back up.

This week I have my first test in my introduction to interpreting class, which is more of an ethics class, and I'm pretty much dreading it. I kinda hate that class. My prof doesn't put like any effort into it, but he expects us to put a LOT of effort into it, for a very small amount of points. Like, our homework after every class is to read the next chapter and do the homework for it. Each chapter is like 25+ pages, and the homework is usually around 10 questions, but they're in depth questions, and it's all only worth 10 points. Then the next morning we have a quiz on the chapter, which I never read because it's way too fucking long, and I always bomb it. We have chances for extra credit and I'll definitely be taking advantage of those, to hopefully just get a C, I suppose. I can't really strive for anything more because I'm not willing to put anymore effort into it.

That's pretty much it for now. I'm going to go make my salad for dinner, watch Pretty Little Liars, and go to sleep!

January 30: Nature

Sunday, January 29, 2012

January 29: In My Fridge

Our full fridge after having everyone over for dinner. Now that everyone's gone it's very empty, lol. 

Saturday, January 28, 2012

January 28: Light

Almost missed it!


I'm going to make a pact to myself to start cleaning out Luna's litter box on a daily basis. I know that's how it's supposed to be done, but I'm usually really lazy when it comes down to it. But I know it'll make this room smell a lot better, and it'll save me money because I won't be having to buy litter as often. So it starts today!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

January 23: Something Old

Our little old house! Built in 1955!

Hair Cut No-No

Well. This past weekend I got my hair cut. I cut off about 5 inches in length and I hate that it's so much shorter, but all that was lost was dead, split and scraggly looking, so it needed to be done. I also got some side bangs which I regret more than anything I've regretted within the last 6 (maybe more) months. This week I'm going to write up and sign an oath to myself to never, ever get bangs again and keep it in a frame on my bathroom wall. So every time I think "hey! I want a change, maybe I'll get bangs!" I can read it and remember exactly how I feel right now as I'm writing to you about it. I'm probably going to have my bangs pinned/braided/poofed back for the next 2+ months until they grow out enough they I don't hate them anymore. If I push them back just right I can make them look like they were never cut, but if they fall forward (which they definitely will as soon as I move my head), it looks stupid as shit. I kind of like them when my hair is up in a pony or a bun, but it's not worth it! I rarely wear my hair up! UGH! I just wish there was some way I could make them grow really fast overnight. Back to how they were on Saturday morning around 10am because they weren't even bangs.

I want to keep my hair regularly trimmed so when it does get as long as it was, it'll look healthy and not split-ended and messy.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

January 22: My Shoes

My favorite summer sandals. Excuse my messy nail polish job!

Friday, January 20, 2012

January 20: Someone I Love

My love's graduation from UTI in 2005. That was almost 7 years ago. In this picture, we had already been really good friends for 3 years. Who knew we'd be where we are now!

I love you, V!!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Time for an Update!

Well hello! I haven't really written much about my life lately, so here's a little bit of what's happened so far this year.

School started last week and at first I was REALLY overwhelmed. I wanted to drop both of my interpreting classes like right after the day ended, but I didn't, of course. I'm sticking it out for the semester, and I'm going to reevaluate my feelings then. I'm not sure now if I want to be an interpreter, but my mentor (basically) says that even if I want to teach kids, I still need to know how to interpret. We'll see what happens! I've got a really good friend, Savannah who I'm taking all of my ASL classes with this semester and you don't even know how thankful I am to have her! I can't even tell you when the last time was that I made a new friend that I actually liked and wanted to stay friends with. I think we're in it for the long haul and I couldn't have picked a better person to take this journey with!

My beautiful cousin had her baby shower over the weekend...which means little baby Maddox is due in ONE MONTH! Now I need to start planning my sister's bridal shower because her WEDDING is in TWO MONTHS! EEP! I'm super duper duuuuper excited about both of these events!

I've started my babysitting job and I go twice a week for about 5 hours each day. It's just enough money for me to pay my own bills and have a little spending money every week, which is nice and it's exactly what I was looking for!

Hmmm...I can't really think of anything else that's important to tell you about.....so toodaloo for now!

January 17: Water

Excuse the poor quality, but my pool looked so inviting this morning and it was all I had handy!

Monday, January 16, 2012

January 16: Morning

So I have to be honest...I forgot to take a picture of my morning before the afternoon came, so I'll share this pretty one with you! It looks like something that would be in my favorite movie...TWILIGHT!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

January 15: Happiness

In one short month we will be meeting this precious, stubborn baby boy! I can't wait to meet you, Maddox!!!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

January 14: Something I'm Reading

I want to update you on what's going on in my life, but I'm trying to get my homework done before I'm done babysitting!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January 10: Childhood

Approximately 3 years old, sitting on the dashboard of my grandpa's motor home! See those two middle fingers I'm holding together? They're the ones I sucked instead of sucking my thumb. Yep!

A few years later, maybe around 5 or 6 at school wearing my FAVORITE Princess Jasmine dress!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

January 8: My Sky

From my back yard. 9:05am Sunday morning sun and a clear blue sky! Today's going to be a beautiful day!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

January 7: Favorite

This morning we went to Blue Springs State Park to visit with the manatees. When it gets too cold here, they migrate over from the St. John's river to Blue Springs where the water temp is a constant 72 degrees. It's such an amazing thing to see. Lately we've been going about every winter and I absolutely love it.

From all the pictures I took, this one is my favorite:

Peek-a-boo baby manatee tail! <3

Friday, January 6, 2012

January 6: Makes Me Smile

This nerd. He makes me smile.

If you ever hand a camera to V, this is what he does.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

January 5: Something I Wore

Coral circular scarf: American Apparel
Striped sweater: [borrowed from my sister]
Long sleeve blue t-shirt: Forever 21

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 3: Something I Adore

I adore this little booger more than anything else that belongs to me. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

January 1: Me

Look what I found!! I'm TOTES doing this for the month! Maybe I'll be able to find one for every month of the year!

So...we shall begin!

January 1: