Remember that pact I made with myself, officially on my blog, to scoop Luna's litter box daily? I haven't done it since I posted that. I can't lie to you, dear blog! I really should make it a part of my morning routine, like after I make my bed (which I do EVERYDAY), scoop her litter box. Maybe I'll give it a try tomorrow and let you know how it goes.
Today I spent the day at home and it.was.wonderful. I went to the gyno early this morning for a check up (nothing's wrong, don't worry!) and I was home by about 9:30. Then I spent the remainder of the day, until 7:30pm, at home. I did laundry, wrote a paper for my humanities class, painted my finger and toe nails, and watched a lot of tv. It was glorious. Tomorrow's school day, and between school and babysitting, I won't have another day with nothing to do until Sunday, so I'm really glad I got to take advantage of today like I did because I wasn't expecting to! I thought that paper was going to take me a lot longer to write, but it only ended up taking just under an hour! It's definitely an hour's worth of effort too, so I'm honestly not expecting to get an A, and I'm okay with that. I've gotten an A on everything else in that class, and right now I have like a 97%. I'm sure, even if I got a C, it still wouldn't bring my grade down that much, and if it did, I still have TONS of time to bring it back up.
This week I have my first test in my introduction to interpreting class, which is more of an ethics class, and I'm pretty much dreading it. I kinda hate that class. My prof doesn't put like any effort into it, but he expects us to put a LOT of effort into it, for a very small amount of points. Like, our homework after every class is to read the next chapter and do the homework for it. Each chapter is like 25+ pages, and the homework is usually around 10 questions, but they're in depth questions, and it's all only worth 10 points. Then the next morning we have a quiz on the chapter, which I never read because it's way too fucking long, and I always bomb it. We have chances for extra credit and I'll definitely be taking advantage of those, to hopefully just get a C, I suppose. I can't really strive for anything more because I'm not willing to put anymore effort into it.
That's pretty much it for now. I'm going to go make my salad for dinner, watch Pretty Little Liars, and go to sleep!