Sunday, February 26, 2012

Busy Little Bee

Holy guacamole, life has been so busy. My sister's bridal shower was yesterday, and as nice as it was to see everyone, I'm so glad it's over. It was stressing me out! Between that and school, I was just going bonkers! I figured out that after summer, I only have to take 2 classes each semester until I'm done. Which will be next summer! EEP! I'm looking into just getting a couple interpreting certifications when I get my AA and working at an elementary school with Deaf/HH kids <3 I'm really excited about it! Especially because it means by next Fall, I might have a job in a school doing what I love! I'm planning on getting my Bachelors, just not right away, if I don't need to. I'll get it eventually!

I've been battling a cold for about a week. Airborne has been helping a LOT, but I'm a little sneezy, and when I first wake up in the morning, I'm very phlegm-y. I'm hoping it'll go away soon!

One more week of school and then it's SPRING BREAK! I can't WAIT to have an entire week FREE from schoolwork!

Hangin' out with Millie last night!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

What's Up?

Hey! Sorry I don't update as much as I used to. I'm quite busy lately. Between school and babysitting, I only have 1 day free during the week and it's always dedicated to homework for my online class.

I'm SUPER into painting my nails, STILL! I remember I said something about it a while ago, and I haven't stopped since. I love it. I'm really diggin these pastel colors I just got:


This week I decided that I'm going to work with Deaf children. I'm going to be done at Valencia next summer and I'm hoping to be able to get a job interpreting in an elementary school next school year! I just have to get two interpreter certifications! I'm suuuuper excited about that!!!

Sunday. We went for a ride this morning, that turned into a trip to the coast. We stopped at the beach and then had an early lunch at our favorite seafood joint on the coast, Rusty's! It was delicious and so very unexpected, I loved it! 

I've been hanging out with my sweet sweet new nephew a lot lately, and it's awesome. He is so amazing and sweet and polite and chill. 

Excuse V's hand. He claims he was telling a story, but I know he did it on purpose!!!

Other news: I'm TOTALLY addicted to Pinterest. Absolutely. That's all!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Baby Maddox

This past Thursday, February 9th, my sweet amazing cousin had her baby! Please meet Mr. Maddox

This was a great week, to say the very least. Busy, but great. The weekend was just as busy, and I'm so looking forward to having a nice break from babysitting this week. Beck is on spring break, so they're going to Colorado for the week to go skiing. Lucky ducks!!

Early registration for the summer semester starts for me on Tuesday at 5pm. I'm hoping to only take one glass on campus, so my schedule will be a little less crazy for a few months in the summer. The class I want to take on campus is a fingerspelling class and I'm not sure if they're offering it for the summer yet, but I really hope they do! The other 3 classes I'm taking are a biology class, psychology, annnnnd...uhh...I'm not sure what the other one is on my plan. I'm hoping it'll be a pretty easy summer though and if they're not offering that fingerspelling class, I may just take 3 classes instead of 4, which would be nice, but idk yet! We'll see soon.

Tuesday is Valentine's Day and we don't really have anything planned! I have school and I'm planning to wear my black tights with hearts on them...I don't know what with, but I know I'm wearing those tights! This week I'm planning to clean out our closet, clean the back bedroom, and wash the dogs beds. I've got to go grocery shopping very soon because we're almost out of water! Eep! 

I think that's about it for now. Toodles!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Happy February, Monkey Joe!

Well, February has begun and so far so good. This week was pretty busy, full of school and babysitting (which I'm doing right now...for the 4th time this week).

 I'm looking forward to relaxing ALL DAY tomorrow with my love, V <3 We're going to DeLeon Springs to make pancakes for bfast, and then we're just going to hang out together. I love him so much!

This week I have to make a video for my ASL III class describing things about/in my house. Maybe I'll share it with you if it's good! I also have my first test in my interpreting I class, and I have to dress up...which is kind of a problem because all the work clothes I had, I gave away because they were all too big! I need to borrow some pants from my sister!

Yesterday (Friday), I babysat Beck and Cassie. I suggested to their mom before I went over there that we should spend the afternoon at the Orlando Science Center, but she said they close pretty early on Fridays, and suggested going to Monkey Joe's instead. So we did. We got there right around 3 and about 7-10 minutes into our adventure, Beck came up to me with a very worried look on his face and told me he "had to go potty". So I got Cassie, and headed to the bathroom, Beck leading. As we were walking, I noticed that Beck had his hand down the back of his pants. All I could think of was "please, PLEASE, no...". We get into the bathroom (that smelled awful, btw), and Cassie was like "I GOTTA PEE!", so I told her to go since we were all in there! Beck went into the handicapped stall, and I washed my hands (because that place just made me feel dirty). Then all of a sudden Beck started crying. I was talking to him through the stall, asking what's wrong, and, through his sobs, he says "I waited too long". *OH NO*. So I reluctantly "number 1...or number 2?" response, just cries. I asked him if he wanted me to come in the stall, so me and Cassie joined him in the handicapped stall. I walk in and see him sitting on the rim of the toilet (the seat was up and he must have been in such a hurry that he didn't even notice), crouched over, crying. I tell him to calm down, that accidents happen, and that he needed to sit up so I could assess the situation. When he sits up, I see a chicken nugget sized turd smashed in his little whitey-tighties. I consider trying to clean his underoos, then just decide to throw them in the trash. I tell him to wipe his butt, so I can get his underwear off. He takes a piece of tp, wipes his butt, looks at the dirty tp, shows it to me, and it's full of shit. I tell him to wipe some more, so he touches the shitty tp, and re-wipes his butt with it! I told him to get a new, clean piece, and wipe again and he does the same thing again! I tell him to stand up, get his underwear off and successfully in the trash without getting and poo on me, and wipe his ass myself. As I'm doing this, he's wiping his tears from his face WITH HIS SHITTY LITTLE FINGERS (HELLO PINKEYE!!!)! Whilst all of this is happening, Cassie yells my name to "look at this hole I found in the wall" and I turn around to see her sweet little self LAYING ON THE FLOOR IN THE BATHROOM, pointing to this tiny little hole in the bottom of the wall. I proceed to tell her to get off the floor because it's very dirty, and make sure that Beck's okay with going commando for the remainder of the time at Monkey Joe's. He's fine with it, of course, because he doesn't want to go home, because we JUST got there. So we spend the rest of the afternoon there, like nothing ever happened.