I don't know what has been going on lately but I've been really neglecting you, blog! I've honestly been really busy with school this week...I've had a group project in BOTH of my online classes which I've had to take the lead in. So I've been really busy making sure everyone was getting their shit done AND taking place of our assigned "coordinator" because she apparently didn't see the group I created, or the discussion I started, explaining things to everyone and making sure they all understood what they were supposed to be doing. Oh not to mention doing
my part of the project along with another girl's because she claimed she couldn't figure out how to add her PowerPoint slides to our new Google Presentations doc. Really? If you can't figure that out, why are you taking an online class? Or rather, you SHOULD know how to do that if you've decided to take an online class...or at least be smart enough to figure it out - it's not that hard. I had never used Google Presentations, but it didn't take me more than 2 minutes to figure out everything I needed to start a new project. Whatever...I guess not everyone can be quite as smart as yours truly. Ha.
Don't let me fool you, I'm not that smart. My math class is kicking my ass this week. We just started our section on fractions and I'm not joking or speaking lightly when I say I fucking
hate fractions. I've never understood them and I had given up on trying a year ago when I finished my last math class at Valencia and thought I wouldn't have to take one at all while studying at UCF. I was wronggggg. I missed the first class on fractions on Monday when I thought we had President's Day off, so I already felt like I was somewhat behind before even starting on Wednesday. We didn't even do that much and I don't think anything I learned was anything I wasn't taught in middle or high school...it's definitely something I should have known. I just never understood it when I was taught it in the first place but somehow I always seemed to get by. Hopefully I'll be as lucky this time, maybe it will actually be the last! Ugh. So that's how I'll be starting my week.

As for this weekend? Saturday V played golf and I cleaned the house and did yogs. We met up at home around lunch time and went to pick up the boat. Pick it up from where, you ask? Well I don't know if I told you already, but the last (and first) time we (I) went out on it, it cracked at some point. It started leaking with a crack about a finger's length in the back...on the bottom. Luckily we brought some sponges to soak up any water, but towards the end of the trip, pretty much all V was doing was driving the boat or soaking up water with the sponge. Well when we got it home, V took off the support on the back (transom) to find some pretty gnarly holes in the fiberglass. Sweeeet. :x We called up the guy we bought it from and brought it back for him to fix on Wednesday. We were hoping to get it back by Saturday afternoon so we could take it out on Sunday morning and we did! We picked it up yesterday afternoon and were pleasantly surprised at how good everything looked (or seemed.....). We put on the new chairs we had so the ride would be more comfortable before we parted ways for the night.
Earlier in the month, I agreed to co-host Abby's 11th birthday party/sleepover so that's how I spent my Saturday night! I enjoyed being able to see the difference in her friends. Last year she was at a public school and her friends were
awful. They were mean, judgmental, and poor mannered. At the beginning of this year they started at a private school so I knew her friends would be different. They were still crazy because they're 11 year old girls - I was there at one point and it's kind of cool to be reminded of it in such a real way. I've known Abby since she was 3. I didn't have any little sisters so I never got to experience the development from such a young age. Anyways, her friends this year were so much nicer than they were last year. It was refreshing to see a group of such well behaved and polite girls.

Anyways, we both got home late last night and planned to wake up at 6am to take the boat out on the river again. The alarm went off at 6 and I did NOT want to get up. V was enthusiastic enough to get out of bed and convinced me to get up not too long after. We headed out right around 6:30, stopped to get some live bait, and got to the boat ramp around 7:25. We unloaded the boat into the water. V parked the truck and I held the boat on shore. When he came back, I went to the truck to get some stuff to bring on the ride (camera, ID, phone, license and sunglasses). I got back to the boat and V had just started cranking the engine. He pulled it around 12 times and on the next, when he pulled out the rope to like start it, it didn't go back in. He got it manually turned back in only to pull it out again to the same thing, except this time he couldn't even get it back in manually. Around 7:50 we loaded the boat back into the truck and headed home. *enter disappointment before 8am*
When we got home we both crashed on the couch, discouraged to say the very least. We ended up sleeping until noon and have had a blah covered sky hovering over since we woke up. It was an omen. I should have convinced V to stay in bed! Oh wellz. It's over now. We had dinner with his parents and we both seem to be in a bit of a better mood...for now anyways. I'm on a wedding planning cloud at the moment and I intend to stay on it into my dreams.
Time for a fresh week with a better, more promising start. Must.stay.positive!
Next week we're planning to camp and there will not be
anything getting in the way of those plans...guaranteed!