I'm so sorry to have been neglecting you, dear blog, but I have been stupid busy with school, especially this summer. The semester just ended and I have a nice almost two week break until the fall semester begins…which is going to be brutal. I keep telling myself that it's only for a few months and maybe my classes will be really great. MUST.STAY.POSITIVE!
Let's see what you've missed since the last time I posted…which was right after I dyed my hair. I'm still loving my hair, btw. Its definitely something I'm going to keep up and change every once in a while! Like I said…pretty much school and work have been taking over my life, in addition to yoga. I've been practicing a lot at my house, on the back porch. I've found my own little flow that I get into in the mornings/evenings and I absolutely love it. Last week I went to my yoga studio on Monday morning and then practiced on my own every other morning of the week! I still get nice and sweaty because…well, I live in Florida and it's the middle of summer.
This past weekend V and I went paddleboarding for the first time! We went out onto the Winter Park chain of lakes and paddled our butts across two lakes, under a bridge, through a secret river, and ended up in another lake where we parked our boards in some lilly pads and did a bit of yoga…on our paddleboards. It was intense and awesome! We both did really good, V fell in the water quite a few times, but got back up like a champ and paddled faster than I did. I definitely trailed behind the pack, but I was okay with that. Taking my time figuring out the best paddling techniques for me and soaking up the fact that that was the only thing I had to think about! I only fell in the water once and it was on our way back. There was a boat in the lake nearest to where we set out and I watched everyone in front of me take their boards over the wake from the boat. I came up to the wake, there were about 3-4 waves I had to overcome. I got over most of them and I was so confident that I'd make it the rest of the way and then all of a sudden BAM. I ate it. Straight into the water I went. It was honestly quite refreshing to get nice and wet because I was hot. I didn’t struggle getting back up on my board and on my way. We had a great time and honestly, both of us cannot wait to do it again! I have to admit, I've been pretty freaking sore though! Both me and V were completely exhausted for the rest of the day on Sunday, but we had such a great time! It's definitely a workout. After paddling my ass for over an hour and a half, I finally began to learn that, at least for me, paddleboarding is more about the experience and scenery than paddling fast. I really can't wait to go again!
Can you believe it's already August, blog? The year is entering the latter half and the holidays are upon us! I cannot believe how fast this year has gone by. I feel like every year that comes, goes by faster than the last. I've got to figure out a way to slow things down! I know camping is definitely a good way to slow down and I cannot waaaaaait for the weather to cool down enough to go camping!
Hmm…let's see what else is new. Work is going good…still pulling A's off at UCF (!)…my little beautiful nephew is growing like a sprout and he just gets cuter and cuter everytime I see him!
This weekend we'll be taking a trip to Tampa to visit one of our favorite couples in their new house! I think it's going to give us a good case of new-house-fever because they literally have all of the things I want for our next house. Lol. I'm excited to go though, it'll be like a little super-mini vacation.