Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas and New Years!

Christmas was awesome. I got practically everything I wanted, except for a dishwasher (lol). We started off the day early...V woke me up at like 5:20 with a "Merry Christmas" and I was like asleep so I wasn't thinking about Christmas...then when I heard him say that and I said it back to him, it was all I could think about! So there I was, tossing and turning, trying to go back to sleep. I asked V "can we just get up?" and he was half asleep and said "no". So I asked how long I had to wait and he said til at least 6:30. So I waited...and finally fell back to sleep a little after 6 and was woken up at 6:30 by his alarm! Whatevs, so we got up and got our presents to each other and started to open!
I don't know why I didn't arrange the presents nicer before taking the year! haha

My Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day box-o-goodies from my sister and brother in law!

Our pool toys from my sister and brother in law!

V looking at his new white tail deer calendar. (lol)

My loot which included a toaster, a scale, a loaf of bread for my new toaster, ECLIPSE, Mrs. Meyer's stuff and a new chain for my necklace that V got me last Valentine's Day:

It's SOOOO pretty and shinnnnny!!! <3

After we finished our present exchange, we headed over to my parents house for breakfast and moar presents! My dad made waffles, and croissants and my mom prepared some fruit as well. It was delicious! The croissants were like some fancy, super expensive things from William's - Sonoma that are only available online (?). Anyways, they were HUGE!

There's a pan under there, I promise! They were soooo delicious though! MMmmMmMMMM!!!

Christmas family photo. From the left: my dad, my mom, my sister Lindsey and her new fiancé Wes, Me and V behind me and my other sister Sarah next to me. On to the presents!
I got a new yoga towel that is SO AWESOME!
 My most favorite Vera Bradley large duffle bag! I've had this bag on my Christmas AND birthday lists for like 2 years and I finally got it! YAY! I also got a shirt and a face towel for yoga to wipe my sweat from my sister, some new cd's, Hotel For Dogs and a picture frame from my other sister, Julie&Julia, Dennis the Menace, a shelf, an I Love Lucy calendar, a new doormat which I LOOOOVE!
and probably other things that I'm forgetting. After we hung out at my parents, we went to V's parents house for yet MOOOOOOOAR presents! His parents got me new earrings, pig s&p shakers that are sooo cute (!), a new mirror for my purse, a key cap that has my name on it but doesnt fit on any of my keys which is a bummer, and BEAUTY AND THE BEAST ON DVD!!!!!! I was so so sooo excited about this! It's my favorite Disney movie and when it came out on limited edition I told V I wanted it for Christmas even though it was like a couple months before and I guess he told his mom and she got it for me! :] His brother got me this awesome new water bottle for yoga that has a straw! Exactly what I wanted. After we did presents there, we went to V's grandparents house around 2 for a few more presents and some delicious food! His grandparents got me a yummy smelling candle and us a gift card to Red Lobster (yum!). After we visited there we went back to my parents house at 5 for another Christmas meal which was also good, but not as good as the first one, just because it was first and  I was actually hungry. My sister Lindsey got a Kinect for Christmas and we played that for a while at my parents house, it's SO MUCH FUN!

After we were worn out, we left there around 7:30 or so and headed home, relaxed for a little bit and went to a friend's house to spend the rest of Christmas. That may have been my favorite part of the day, just because it was so relaxing. 

FF to New Years Eve

Me and V went to Wes and Lindsey's house to hang out with a couple other friends for the night. We decided to cook! Lindsey made sushi which was soooo yummy!!!
I made coconut shrimp! It turned out pretty well, I was impressed with myself!


New Years kisses! 

I'd have to say 2010 was a fabulous year. And I can honestly say 100% of the happiness I had in the past year was from V. I'm looking forward what's ahead for me in 2011!

Happy New Year, blog!

Also, all of these pictures catch me up. I'm starting tomorrow on picture #4 so my pictures will match the days of the year. I also think I'm going to pick one day of the month to do a video post and another day to do a childhood picture! I just haven't decided when yet. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm open. Otherwise I'll figure it out sometime soon!


  1. YOU GOT A DYSON?!?! OMG I am so jealous I could die. Not to mention its PINK?! Ugh! I'm happy for you though ;)

  2. Hell yeah! It was Sarah's but I guess she doesn't use it anymore, so my parents bought it from her and gave it to meeee!
