Monday, February 28, 2011

A Goal for the Week

Me and V decided yesterday that we're going to set a goal for this coming Sunday. He's been struggling to get under 250, and I haven't been able to see anything under 120, so we're both going to try really hard and see if we can get under by Sunday. I'm really not sure if I'll be able to because I don't know what else I can do different? I have faith that he will get under 250 though!

(please excuse my hair and my face, I've been awake for approximately 15 minutes)
Breakfast. Usually at least 5 days a week, this is what I have for breakfast. And on Tuesdays and Thursdays I also eat one at 7pm; 1 hour before yoga.

Did I mention that our hair doesn't work? I think I did when I discovered the dripping, but I haven't said anything since. Well it still doesn't work. We've been surviving without, but over the weekend it got pretty toasty. V tried turning it on yesterday, but it wasn't even blowing out cold air. When we went to bed last night, the thermostat said it was 79 degrees in the house. It's down to 75 now, and it's super nice outside right now (around 67 degrees), but according to my dashboard, today's high is 87. Poo. Apparently though it's supposed to storm tomorrow and only get up to 76, and for the following 5 days, it doesn't get over 80, so this week should be bearable.

Anyways, I have to go get ready for yoga :]

Sunday, February 27, 2011


I almost forgot to post a picture today!

We're watching the's pretty lame, tbh.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Just Stuff

I went to yoga this morning...for the 5th time this week. I was pooped! I don't think I'm going to go 5 times in one week again, and definitely not on another Saturday morning. Too crowded! After that I met my sister and our friend Amby at my sister's house and I went with them to a park to take pictures for their graduation announcements. It was fun! When we all got too hot, we left the park and headed to the mall. I wanted to exchange my tank top I got last week, because after I got it home I realized it had 2 holes in it! It was super cute:

It says "Life is Peachy". They didn't have my size :[ So I was going to get this other one that had a peacock on it and said "Your Biggest Fan"...but they didn't have my size in that one either! So I ended up getting a nice new sports bra for yoga!

Now I'm home...btw, yoga this morning was at 8, so I've been up and going since 7. I'm pretty sleepy so I think I'm going to shower (because I always feel like I need a shower after I go to the Florida Mall), put on some comfy clothes, and watch tv til V gets home from work. We might be going out for sushi tonight, yummy!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Mother Falcon

V was off today and we spend the morning and most of the early afternoon running all over town! We went to get his taxes done, then went to breakfast at Shakers. I got a grilled blueberry muffin (BEST MUFFIN EVAR), and some froot! Then we went to Target and TJ Maxx to look for some new shorts for V. We didn't find any at Target, but he found 2 shirts he liked at TJ Maxx. After that we went to the mall and he found some shorts at Macy's, then we went to Mother Falcon and made some shirts! I picked a tank top and just had their logo put on it, and V made one with this like skeleton head of an ape. It's awesome! We stopped by to visit with his mom for a little bit, and got home around 3:45. V decided he was going to go to the 5 o'clock yoga class around 4, and thats where he is now...on his way there. So I decided to update my blog!

Here's my new shirt...I love it!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


This is what happened every time I would turn my head forward to take a picture. She would reach back and start to lick my teeth, so I'd turn my head! I have about 4 pictures that are exactly the same, lol. I love my Ellie Bell!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday To-Do

This morning I let myself sleep in. It was glorious. I woke up at 9:15 and checked FaceBook, got on gmail and started talking to my sister about her wedding. While I was g-chatting, I kept hearing this *drip*. I didn't think anything of it the first couple times, but then when I realized it kept going, I thought "oh, that must be little fish, having a party in her bowl or something!". Then it hit me...the AC. I opened up the door the the AC closet and sure enough, it was drip drip dripping into the bucket that we left there from the last time it was drippy (which was a long time ago, but I'm glad we were too lazy to move it because if we had, the carpet would have been all wet!). So I had to get my stuff that I was storing in there out so it didn't get wet. V told me that it wasn't a good idea to store stuff in there anyways, but I was like "oh whatever, where else am I supposed to put this miscellaneous stuff?!". Now I had to find somewhere for it to go. I checked the attic space right outside of our bedroom (that I just learned existed not too long ago. How did I miss the huge brown square you ask? NO CLUE. There's one at the other end of the hall (which isn't very long) that I knew was there, and I've used. But I never noticed the other space!) I realized that there is much more space than I was expecting, but that I'm too short to get to it, so I put all the stuff into the spare bedroom and V said he would put it up for me this weekend. This cleaning out of the AC closet got me started, and I cleaned out the closet in the spare bedroom as well. Then the cupboards in the kitchen, and organized the gaming consoles/movies under the tv!

I started to feel like I hadn't done anything, even though I did. I didn't like I made myself lunch and watched tv. Hah. After that I convinced myself to work on my portfolio for my education class. It's due on Friday. I just finished it and now I'm trying to read someone else's research paper draft in my comp II class so I can give them some feedback; I'm supposed to reply to 2 people's drafts with my opinions on what should be fixed and what not. I did one last week so I only have one to do before tomorrow. Then I need to read the comment(s) that I got on mine and take them into consideration before I turn in my final draft on Friday. Also sometime before Friday at 11:59pm, I need to take my chapter 6 quiz in my education class. Yuck! I'm hoping I'll be able to do it tomorrow...but we'll see.

This week I'm going to be going to yoga FOUR DAYS! That's right! I went yesterday morning, I'll be going to power hour with V tonight at 8, then I'm going again tomorrow morning with my friend Jeremy, and lastly, Thursday night again with my loverly <3. I'm curious to see how I'm going to feel (or if I even feel different at all). I just don't like the gap between Thursday nights and Monday mornings because over the weekend I start to feel like I NEED yoga, like for realz. Oh well. I guess if I really wanted to, I could go Saturdays, but I don't want to because I know it's going to be reallllllly crowded.

This Sunday my sister has her first appointment to try on wedding dresses and I'm SO FREAKING EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!

I like to blow bubbles with my gum. It's 5 gum, in a delicious watermelon flavor (prism is what it says on the package.)

Anyways, I need to go find someone's research paper to critique. Toodles!

Monday, February 21, 2011

X-Ray Without the Radiation

I'm leaving for yoga in about 10 minutes and I still need to get my yoga clothes on and brush my teeth. I should probably do that instead of this, so I'll update more about my weekend later today!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday Homework

being able to do my homework on the porch makes it so much more enjoyable!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Flower Power

I went shopping this afternoon with my friend and my sister. It was a good time, I bought 3 new shirts! One of them is super cute and it has a peach on it and says in small letters "Life is Peachy" but when I got it home, I noticed it had TWO holes in it! Boo :[ Gotta take it back. The other one is light blue and has this brown kitty curled up on it and says "Catnap" <3 And the other one is all flowery! I'm wearing it in this picture

Excuse the sleepy face, me and V just woke up from a nappie. I'm so so so so so sooooo glad he's home :D

Friday, February 18, 2011


I laid out for a little bittle this afternoon. It was loverly

V is hunting with his best friend. They left at like 4:30 this morning and they're staying in the woods tonight and possibly tomorrow night. BOO :[ I'm going to a dinner party tonight, and then taking the dogs and myself to stay at my sister's house for the night. I can't sleep here alone!

Hopefully tomorrow will go by fast...I miss my V

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Research Paper

Ugh! I'm writing a research paper for my comp II class and it has to be a minimum of 2,000 words, maximum of 2,100. I'm at 1863 and I'm stuck! So close...yet so far. I've been working on it for like 5 hours now. It's only my rough draft, but I don't want to get points off for something that's so minuscule, ya know? I just need something to write about for like a solid 140 words or that so much to ask for?!

Cinnamon Roll Yogrit

O.M.G. It's so good

It's like...omg. Dessert, but without the guilt! Fat free, only 100 calories, 5 whole grams of protein, and only 90 mg of sodium. So. GOOD.

Edit (about 5 minutes after eating 5 or 6 spoonfuls): I convinced myself that I wasn't lactose-intolerant when I purchased this yogrit, and 2 others (white chocolate strawberry and blueberry cobbler), and was unpleasantly reminded that my body does not appreciate dairy. Sadly, my cinnamon roll bliss made a trip to the trashcan, with only about 1/3 eaten. I'll probably forget how awful it is in another couple days and eat another third of one, and then hate myself for the following 2-3 hours. Drats.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Mirror

I often use PhotoBooth as my mirror. I don't have a full length mirror!

I like this outfit :] While getting dressed, I'm listening to Ingrid Michaelson - You and I

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Look At My Muscles!

I was looking at them after I took a shower, and I was so proud, I had to share! I've never really had muscles this nice looking, and I can thank yoga. 100%

Oooooooh yeah.


Today I observed a Vietnamese class. It wasn't taught in Vietnamese like I thought it would be, which was nice; I was able to understand everything.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

This morning I went to yoga, it was a fabulous class! Afterwards I went to Hallmark to get V a Valentine's Day card, and some tissue paper to wrap his present with. I got him a new yoga mat and I'm currently making him a heart-shaped cake :] I'll be making him dinner tonight...but then we have to go to class. Lame!

Tomorrow I'm going to do an observation for one of my classes in a Vietnamese class at an elementary school. I was supposed to do it like 2 weeks ago but then I got sick...and then I didn't reschedule until today. My assignment for this observation is due next Friday, but I'd like to get it done before the week is over because next week I'm going to have to work on perfecting my research paper for my comp II class. So not looking forward to that. I have to turn in my rough draft this by this Friday and I haven't started yet. She wants us to just add  to the first essay we turned into her, and use external sources for our additional information. The original essay was supposed to be between 750 and 800 words; mine was about 760-770. The new, revised one is supposed to be between 2,000 and 2,100! More than double what I wrote before! I'm really dreading doing this.

I got an 80 on my first math test...not bad!

Anyways, I need to go check on V's cake.

Happy Valentine's Day from yours truly

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Turner & Hooch!

LOVE this movie! Just bought it at Walmart for $5! SCORE!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


I love the weekends, especially when V is off both Saturday AND Sunday! Today we're doing stuff around the house, and tonight V is going to a basketball game with his brother. I'm either going to hang out with my sister, or my parents...I haven't decided yet. Then tomorrow we're going to breakfast with my parents, and dinner at Texas de Brazil with a couple friends to celebrate V's best friend's birthday! I'm looking forward to eating some GOOD food all day tomorrow! I've never been to Texas de Brazil but V keeps telling me how delicious it is, and how giant their salad bar is, I can't wait!

It's so cold in this house! This weekend is going to be full of beautiful clear blue skies, and mid 60's. Should be super nice, but honestly, I'm kind of ready for the summer weather to be here. I know, I know, when summer is here for a few months, I'm going to be saying how I'm ready for the winter weather to be here again, and I should just suck it up and enjoy it now, because it won't be here for too much longer, and I'm not guaranteed that it will be back next winter!

Friday, February 11, 2011


I'm not quite sure how old I was in this picture, I'm guessing like 3?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I Can't Think of a Title

This morning I woke up at 9:15 and started working on my family tree by 9:30. My stomach told me to make lunch around 1, so I made a grilled cheese and brought it back to the computer to continue working. At 2:06 I decided I should give myself a break and went to go buy some new yoga pants at Lululemon. The ones I got were too long so I left them there to get a complimentary hemming! I really wanted to wear them to yoga tonight, but since they're getting hemmed they won't be done until next Thursday...oh well. At least now they'll be the right length and I won't have to wear shorts over my leggings anymore! The ones I wear now are from XXI and they're pretty see-thru, the ones from Lululemon are super nice! I can't wait to wear them.

I'm back home now, obv...and working on my family tree. I've finished the actual tree, now I have to go through and write some stuff about my family and our traditions and such...I cant really remember exactly what she wanted so I went back to check, but BlackBoard doesn't want to load right now, so I decided to update my blog!

When I started yoga in October I weighed 139 pounds. 4 months later I have reached my original goal, which was 123. I passed it up this weekend when I came in at 120! My new goal is 115. I don't know if I've already told you about this, but no one reads it anyways so whatevs! I'm just so thrilled that I'm already down almost 20 pounds! By my birthday (June 23) I'm going to look so good in a bathing suit for my pool party! Woo!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I'm going through old pictures, trying to find good ones to use for my family tree. I've decided I'm probably only going to go back to great-grandparents, and I've made an account on, thinking it might be helpful, but it's not so much.

I found this picture in a envelope from my aunt. It says on the back "Abe Miles, Ida Miles, Daisy + Opal About 1905"

My mom has no idea who these people might be and I searched for them on but since all I know are their names, it's bringing up like over 5 million suggestions!

Time to call my grandpa and see how much information he can give me about my great grandma Olive!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Family Tree?

I'm supposed to make a family tree for my education class and I don't really know how to make one! far back am I supposed to go, and am I supposed to include everyone in my family? It has to be done by Friday and I'm not really looking forward to doing it. I'll need to go to my parents house tomorrow to get some old family pictures to put in it...I want it to be good! I need a good grade on it to bring my grade up in that class!

And on that note, we took our first math test last night and I cant wait to get my grade back tomorrow, I have a pretty good feeling about it!

Monday, February 7, 2011


Leaving for yoga in about 15 minutes...I wanted to wake up at 8, but when V left for work I forgot to re-set my alarm and ended up waking up at 8:40 instead. Oh well, there's nothing I can do about it now! I've been thinking about going to yoga 4 days a week now instead of just 3. I've got the time...why not! I hit 120 on the scale over the weekend, but my goal is to be down to about 115, and between 115-117 on a regular basis. Because right now I'm between like 120-123 on a regular basis, and I'd like it to be less! I'm going to look so good at my birthday party this summer! Woo!

Creepy, right?!

I'm going to try and get all my homework done today so I wont have to worry about it all week long. Yay me! I'm supposed to be getting my income tax money  this Friday which is super exciting! I'm going to use it to pay off some credit cards. I'm so responsible!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Rainy Super Bowl Sunday

It's 9:30 Sunday morning and I'm convinced it's been raining all night. When we went to sleep last night it was raining, V was planning on doing yard work this morning, but when we woke's still raining! So I got up and I'm sitting on the couch with the dogs watching Because of Winn Dixie, and baking a biscuit to eat for breakfast and V is still sleeping! He never sleeps past like 8, but when we got up at like 8:45 and he saw it was raining so he wouldn't be able to work on the yard, he went back to bed...saying he wasn't going to go back to sleep that he just wanted to lay down, but that was almost an hour ago and he still isn't out here so I'm assuming he's sleeping! I'm glad because he never gets enough rest.

I found a really pretty mirror at Wal Mart when I was grocery shopping yesterday afternoon that was like the perfect size for the bathroom...and only $35! So I bought it, and it's got a wooden frame around it but the color is almost exactly the same as the vanity. YAY! So V's going to put it up sometime today and I bought a towel ring at Lowe's yesterday so our towel will have a fancy place to hang. I'm really glad I found that mirror yesterday because I don't like the one that's in there now, it doesn't match with all the new stuff.

Everyone's coming over this evening to watch the super bowl...I'm excited to see some new commercials! Budweiser usually has pretty funny ones.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Bathroom is Finished!

I'm going to look somewhat like a lioness when I take these curlers out. It should be funny. I'm doing it to see what my hair looks like at 7 o'clock this evening, after my curls have loosened up.

We got the vanity, a new light fixture, and a new faucet yesterday. Oh and some new blinds! Originally we were going to get this vanity:

Awesome, right?! I love the giant bottom drawer, I've never seen anything like that on a vanity! So we bought it and got it home, thinking we would just be able to use the sink from our other vanity because they were the same sizes. WRONG. It ended up being about 4 inches too deep for the space [neither of us thought to measure for depth!], and we had to take it back :[ I was so bummed. So we brought it back and we looked....and looked. V found this smaller, dainty looking one that he really liked, but I was against it because it measured almost 24 inches wide, and the mirror we have to go over the huge hole above where the vanity is, is 36 inches wide and I thought it was going to look too small and disproportionate so we went back and forth on that one and this other one that came with a super nice looking granite sink, but the base of the vanity looked really cheap. Eventually V convinced me that this one was going to look really good in the bathroom and we left with it. IT.LOOKS.AWESOME. I reallllllly like it. We just have to find a new mirror now because the one we have is too big, but it definitely doesn't look as bad as I was picturing in my head while we were at the store. The light fixture we bought it really nice looking, but it looks too gold in our bathroom. It didn't look like that at all at the store so V said he's going to put a quick coat of spray paint on it to make it a little darker to match the faucet.

Today my mission is to get the bathroom nice and clean, go back to Lowe's because my blinds didn't come with turny-stick that you use to crank them open, and one of the light fixtures that we bought to put in the dining room came with a broken light bulb! I wouldn't be complaining, and I would have just stuck another one in, but they're these fancy light bulbs that we don't have, lol. After I do that, I want to maybe go to this custom mirror place over by V's work and see how much it would cost to have a custom mirror made for the bathroom because I can't find any that will work in the space! If we didn't have that huge hole in the wall it wouldn't be a problem at all, and we probably would have bought the mirror that matched with the vanity. But the hole on the wall is 26 inches wide, and the mirror was only 24. Bummer! I'd also like to find a new rug to put in there, and a new shower curtain..but we'll see! are some pictures!

Drum roll pleeeeeease!

Amazing, right?! It looks SOOOOO MUCH BETTER! I'm super happy with it!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Colored Pencil

It's super gloomy outside. V went to yoga this morning, I decided not to go. I went last night and felt pretty good, which surprised me! After he gets home...which should be soon, we'll be on our way to find a vanity! Yay! I can't wait to have a sink in the bathroom once again!

Happy Friday, all!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Video Blog #1! [A Month Late...]

Okay, so remember how I said I was going to do a video blog once a month? Yeah...well January came and went, but now that February is here, I remembered to do one! Here it is, super cheesy but whatevs.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Bathroom is Complete!

For the most part. We just have to get all the goods to put in. We'll be shopping for those on Friday, but I'm not sure where. Nothing at Home Depot was too appealing  to either of us so I'm going to check out Lowes. I don't know where else to look for stuff like that!

It's all painted! I sprayed the texture on, which was super easy. Let it dry for like 2 hours, and then painted! I'm pleased with the end result and I can't wait to put the vanity, cabinet, mirror and light fixture in!

No Glasses

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I've Got a Cold...

I slept til almost 11 o'clock this morning. I feel pretty crappy, and I'm not happy about it! My nose is stuffy, my throat hurts, and my body is kind of achy. 

The plaster stuff still isn't completely dry in the bathroom today, so I can't do anything until it is. I'm hoping it will be dry in the next few hours, because I want to put on the texture! I don't think I'm going to put on another coat of Kilz before I put the texture on. I figure if the texture doesn't cover the paint color thats on right now, then I'll just put another coat of the Kilz on after I texturize. If it does cover well though, I'll be putting on my paint sooner than I though, which is a good thing! V has Friday off instead of Saturday now, so I'd like to be done by Thursday, so while he's off we can go vanity shopping. Yay! Hopefully I'll be feeling better by then too.

I don't think I'll be going to yoga tonight, which blows. I just don't think it's going to help me feel any better.