Yesterday evening it stormed REALLY bad for a solid half hour. Then started again at some point after we went to sleep last night and it's been raining on and off (when I say raining, I mean like pouring + super strong winds) since about 6:45 this morning when I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep! I got up with V and packed his lunch, then I was too scared to go back to sleep. Our pool is literally about to overflow:
And it's not going to stop raining anytime soon...
All that shit is moving from west to east, straight over Orlando. What do I do if the pool does overflow?!
I've been up laying on the couch, watching the news...then I watched the season finale of Teen Mom 2. I ate some blueberry eggos after that was over and started watching Monsters Inc., but then changed it to the news to see what was going on. I have absolutely nothing to do today (thankfully), but I'm so bored and it's only 11am! Ellie is terrified of rain/thunder/lightening, so she's been hiding under my bed since I woke up. Poor thing!
I guess I'll just stay put...maybe take a nap? Hopefully all this crap will be gone by this evening because I do not want to miss yoga tonight!
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