Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Stank Couch

OMG! The couch we have in our living room was given to me by a friend. At the time I was super thankful and thought it looked so good. I'm still thankful because the shit was free, and what's better than free?! Nothing. But damn does it smell. My friend's dog has a peeing problem and I'm pretty sure she peed on the couch at least 5 times? So it's like in the foam part of the cushion, so I can wash the covers and it looks a lot better, and smells better, but then after a few weeks, the dog-urine smell begins to shine through and it's so gross.


We're going to buy a new couch set (THANK GOD), after V gets his tax return...I mailed in the stuff they needed for the house on Monday, so I'm really hoping he'll be getting the money within the next like...idk...month? Hopefully sooner!

Side note: AWW! I just saw a Neutrogena commercial with Miranda Cosgrove (iCarly!). How exciting! I love her!

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