Thursday, June 23, 2011


Woke up this morning to V singing me happy birthday before he left for work <3

I've spent my morning cleaning up a birthday present Ellie left me on the carpet, watching the trial, and eating bfast. A bowl of raisin bran crunch, and a cheese pastry :]

Then I opened my present from my sister who lives in Providence...the shirt I'm wearing in my picture! I love it! It's super cute, and fits perrrfectly!

ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! I'm 24 today! Holy cow!

My other sister is coming over in a little bit to hang out and we're probably going to spend some time by the pool...I was hoping to go to lunch with my dad, but he said we can't today, but maybe tomorrow (bummer). V offered to take me to lunch, but my sister is coming over, so we'll see about that!

Tonight we're going to yoga and then having my birthday dinner at Pom's! No bowling this year on my birthday...things changed! Yoga is more important, lol. Maybe we'll try and go this weekend...I would like to, honestly.

Ellie seems to be doing well, she was standing up really well yesterday and taking a couple steps every now and then :] I'm happy the steroids are helping her...and that it's happening so quick, but I'm worried that she will become dependent on them. Idk, just what I'm thinking. We have an appointment to go back to see the specialist next Tuesday, so we'll see what they say about it all.