(But I really hate how my glasses cut off right in the middle of my eye sometimes. It happens on a rare occasion, because usually I try to be aware of it, but I just couldn't help it!)
OMG! I went out to get my yoga stuff out of the dryer and when I was on my way back to the door to go inside Luna was at the door like pushing at it. I thought she saw something outside, but then I got in and saw there was a WASP! I shut the other door really fast (almost squashing Luna!), and panicked! I didn't know what to do! Then I had the genius idea of going out the front door and getting the wasp spray out of the utility room, opened up the glass door under the carport and drowned the bastard! But then when I went to leave, I got hit in the face with the smell of wasp spray. It was really bad. I thought of putting a shoe in the door to keep it open and air it out, but then I thought that wasps would take over, so I just left it closed. Oh well.
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