Thursday, September 1, 2011

French Braid Headband!

I tried my hand at another braided headband, but instead of doing a Dutch braid, I did a French braid (which I've had a lot more practice with, and I'm a lot better with!). I'm very pleased with how it came out, except for the side I began on. I'd like to start a little more behind my ear because it doesn't really start looking super braid-ey until after a few twists. But I think this might be my new favorite hairstyle (especially for when my hair is messy or dirty!) I wanted to do it today because my hair looked awful down because I haven't washed it since Sunday. Yep.

This time it looked more like a braid, instead of a wannabe braid.

This morning I went grocery shopping and came home to a lovely stench in my house. I couldn't figure out what it was...I thought it was just the gross stank-ass dogs being gross. So I got some Febreze to spray in the air, and when I got to the last room to spray, I spotted a huge, fresh turd. YUM. I'm so over this carpet...and having 3 dogs. It's just too much. I'm thinking about doing a little research on stained cement floors in houses because that's what's under our carpet, and I can bet you millions of dollars that if this carpet was no longer in the house, it would smell so.much.better.

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