Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Muffin Kick

The past 2 weeks I've been on a muffin kick. I made a batch of blueberry muffins two weeks ago and V and I enjoyed them all week long for breakfast! Then when we ran out, I made another batch, but I used a different recipe, because I thought the blueberry muffins would be good with a little cinnamon. So I got a cinnamon blueberry muffin recipe and I have to admit, it wasn't as good as the first batch, but we still enjoyed them. We have 2 of those muffins left still, but I'm bored this afternoon, and I looked up a recipe for cinnamon muffins (no blueberries left in this house!). I didn't want to have to go out and buy anything, and I had all the ingredients here for cinnamon muffins. The second batch (which is only 4), is in the oven now, just finishing up. I made 16 total and I just had one...they're super yummy! They remind me of winter, which is nice :]

This morning I went to Chick-Fil-A to get a free chicken biscuit for breakfast! After that, I stopped at Petco to buy Luna (my kitteh) a new bag of food. I changed her food the last time I got the dogs a bag, and she hates it, so I went back to her old brand and she's happy as a clam. After Petco, I went to FedEx to print out flyers for Carol.

I'm posting one in each bathroom at my yoga studio, hoping people will take my number & email address and someone will want her! She's getting to be toooooo much for this house!

After I printed those, I went to American Eagle and got a new sweater (for our trip to NC next month!), and two tank tops to go under the sweater. 

Now I'm home, debating on whether or not I want to do my homework. I don't really want to right now...I'd rather watch SVU, lol. 

I'm thinking about going through my closet and getting rid of the clothes I don't wear anymore because I have a lot. Too many, tbh. It's a little ridonk. 

Yesterday I made an ankle bracelet! Woo! Yeah, I'm 24...and wearing an ankle bracelet...you jealous?

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