Tuesday, September 13, 2011


When I was getting unemployment at the beginning of this year, they called me to find out where I had been applying. So I told them a few places, and said one place offered me a position, but it conflicted with my school schedule, so I had to deny it. Then they told me that the money I had gotten from them for a few months, I didn't deserve (?) so I had to pay them back. $800 to be exact. And they expect me to pay it back how? Knowing that I'm UNEMPLOYED? I got a few letters in the mail from them, stating that I owed it, but never told me how much of a minimum payment I could make, and there was NEVER a due date. Then, late last week, I got a letter saying that I have 20 days from the date of the letter to pay the entire balance, or they're sending me to a collections agency. The letter was sent out August 31st, and I got it like last Tuesday or something. So I have like less than a week to pay it? Yeah, OKAY!

So I tried calling them today to see if I could get on a payment plan, and of course, there were no available representatives to talk to me, and apparently I CAN'T HOLD, it just tells me to try back later, and hangs up. GREAT. I'm just annoyed, and wanted to vent. Normally, I would just send V a text message, telling him how annoyed I am, but his phone isn't working. Which totally sucks. Ugh!

But at least I've finished my economics homework for the week. Now I'm relaxing, watching SVU, and eating my lunch.

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