Friday, November 4, 2011

Time to Register!

For classes, of course! I'm currently registered for my LAST humanities class (which I'm taking online, with V), Intro to Interpreting (YIKES), and ASL III (which is taught by Jason, who is Deaf. OMG.). I need to also sign up for Interpreting I, but I can't, unless my current ASL II professor overrides it, and I've emailed her twice about it and she hasn't replied. It's starting to get on my nerves!

Right now we're watching House Hunters on the couch, Ellie laying on my side, V by my legs, and Lunes by my head. I'm so happy <3

Speaking of Luna, she's doing SO well! She's gotten completely back to her crazy, sweet little self. She's back to her nightly crazy-modes, and I've started playing with her every night, which we both enjoy!

Tomorrow V has to work and I have nothing planned. Who knows what I'll end up doing...I kind of need to clean, but meh...

Here's an extra picture for today, because I just couldn't resist!

This one is from the other night, she just looked so cute, chillin on our bed!

You have no idea how happy I am that she's okay!

And I'd like to give a shout out to Carol (now named Moly, yes...only with one L, like MOLEY. Wtf...I don't know!)

I miss that loud little shit!

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