Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

This morning we went to my parents house for breakfast and I have to say, sadly, that we didn't take a single picture with my mom! After breakfast, when we got home, I had a surprise at my front door from my wonderful friend, Kimmie. She is SO thoughtful and I was so caught off guard because I didn't even know she was in town! I guess she stopped by to see me when we were at my parents house! 

SO SWEET! Before we went to lunch at V's parent's house, I visited with Kimmie and my sweet goddaughter for a little bit! 

Her pretty Mother's Day dress came off when she was eating her homemade ravioli! She is such a little princess! 

Then we went to V's parents house to visit with his mom, aunt and grandma. It was nice to see them all! After that we came home and hung out for a little bit and then went to visit my favorite new mom of 2012!

Happy Mother's Day, Alicia!!!!