Friday, June 1, 2012

RAOK Day 1: Hey, Mr. Postman!

Well today I left a note, a piece of candy, a bottle of water, and an umbrella for my mailman. I thanked him for always delivering our mail, and putting our large packages under our carport.

After he came I went out to see if we had any mail and found that he had only taken the note and the candy, but left the bottle of water and umbrella! Oh well...I tried, and half way succeeded!

This afternoon I went to hang out with my Deaf friend, Jessica. We spent a few hours together at her house and when I left, I realized how tired my eyes were! 

So when I got home I rested my eyes before going to yogs. I know, it's not my normal day for yoga, but my usual Monday night was cancelled because of the holiday, so I made up for it today!

Happy weekend, all!

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