Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Clean Oven!

This morning I woke up and went grocery a little later start than I wanted because I had to wait for my parents to get here to drop off their dog for the day. Don't even ask. After grocery shopping, I went to yogs, which was absolutely loverly, as usual! When I left yoga, I saw a text from a girl at work, asking me to come in for a couple hours for her. Almost every time she asks me to cover for her (which happens quite often), I'm always busy. I honestly had nothing else on my schedule for the rest of the day, so I went in for like an hour and a half. 

When I got home I cleaned our oven! For the first time since we moved in...over 2 years ago!

The bottle suggested I wear gloves while cleaning it, so I bought a pair. I can't believe how well it worked....and how easy it was! All I had to do was spray it on, let it soak for like 20 minutes, and then wipe it down with a damp paper towel. Voila!

Although, I have to admit that wiping down the whole thing inside wasn't very comfortable. Quite awkward in fact!

Side note: I have NO CLUE where that bruise came from...I'm always running into shit. I didn't even know it was there until V asked about it the other day!

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