Wednesday, December 1, 2010


well...holy crap! since my last post, [yes the one that was just 2 days ago], i am unemployed. here's the whole story:

i came back from lunch yesterday at 3 and went down to talk to laura (my bff at work). she told me that meg called (the office admin. who works in a different office - weird, i know) and she was like all frazzled and needed me to call her asap. so i called her from my desk and she was like "can you call back me from a conference room or somewhere that is more private than your desk?" and i was like sure...not thinking anything of it. so i walked down to a office that no one worked in and called her back. she picked up the phone and was like "hang on, i have to conference someone in". so this guy chimes in "how are  you?" and i was like "good, how are you?" and he began to go on about how he was fine and started to get apologetic because we had never even met in person before and he's sorry that this is how it has to be the first time we've ever talked but he has to let me go. *insert tears*. he explains to me that it's nothing personal and he's so sorry but he's got some kind of money quota that he has to meet by the 1st of the new year and he's already had to let a lot of other people go as well. tells me that i'll be getting my normal paycheck this friday and in 2 weeks i'll receive a week backpay along with a check for whatever is left in my APL time (which is just under a weeks pay). and that 2 weeks after that check, i'll get another two full weeks pay (so i'm basically paid throughout the month of december). then i ask him "okay, well since i'm getting all this pay, when is my last day?" expecting him to tell me like friday at the very earliest and he's like "" *insert tears + drippy nose* then meg chimes in "i just sent laura and toni (this other lady that works with me) an email explaining to them whats going on". this 7 minute telephone conversation seemed like the longest 7 minutes of my LIFE.

finally hang up and walk out of the office to laura walking towards me, already crying too. she asked me when my last day was and i told her today. then she asked me if i was going to stay until the end of the day, and i said absolutely not. i packed up all my shit, said my goodbyes, and left by 3:45. cried the ENTIRE drive home...and for a good 45 minutes after i got home.

yesterday was by far the shittiest day i've had in a LONG time. possibly all year.

today, however, is a new day. it's a beautiful 62 degrees outside and i'm doing much better. applying for jobs at daycares because i think it would be fun. i put out some christmas lights around the front window and i'm going to put up my decorations inside soon.

i also made a wreath!

pretty, right?! i bought the supplies on my lunch break yesterday...*sniffle* but i was going to get a green like um, piney wreath to decorate but they're like WAY expensive! like $20 for one that isn't even as round as the one i ended up getting! this one was $8.99 and i had the ornaments and lights to add to it, and i bought the frosted berries for $.99 per bundle.  i really like how it turned a LOT. i'm def going to use it next year....and the year after that, and the year after that! 

so today is going to be filled with pj's,, christmas decorations, and open windows.

next week was supposed to be me and v's vacation...not much of a vacation for me anymore since i have nothing to take a break from, but it will be AWESOME to have him home with me for a whole 9 days straight! we were supposed to go up to north carolina but we're not anymore...we decided that it's probably not the smartest decision to go up there and spend money that we should be saving. who knows how long it will be before i get a job!

anyways, that's all the news i have right now. tomorrow i'm going to bring my resume and a copy of my high school diploma to a day care to apply for a teachers assistant position that will be available after the new year. i would love to work there, i think it would be SO fun and very helpful for my career (i want to be a 2nd grade teacher). it would be nice to know that i could take  this whole month off and have a job come january. then i wouldn't feel as guilty for not working for an entire 31 days.

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