Rewind to yesterday at about 5:55pm. When I left to go babysit, I decided to leave Dog inside with Lacey and Ellie because I was going to be gone for a while and it's hot as shit outside. I walk in the door, after babysitting since about 1 o'clock to a terrible, disgusting, urine-y stank, and Gladware strewn about the living room. You know what was in the Gladware? About 14 cupcakes. With frosting. And sprinkles. Then I round the corner and see that the blinds in the living room are broken and have tiny little teeth marks all over them. Super. There were quite a few pee spots in the Florida room as well. So after I cleaned up the Gladware and put Dog back on the porch, I went out and posted "Found Dog" flyers around the places close to where I found her. I really don't think her owner is looking for her, so I'm not sure what we're going to do with her. I'm thinking of making a poster for a free dog and posting it at my yoga studio.
FF to this morning!
I woke up (45 minutes earlier than my alarm) to a text message from my sister, asking me for a favor. So I got up, got dressed and ran some medicine to her at her school so she wouldn't have a shitty second day. She texted me later and said she feels 80% better, yay!
After that I went to Publix to rent a Rug Doctor to clean my carpet. The carpet that still reeked of dog urine, which was so so disgusting. I sprayed some Febreze after we got home from yoga last night, which helped temporarily. Long enough to eat dinner and not want to barf.
Then this morning, when V was leaving for work, he informed me that one of the dogs who were inside (Ellie or Lacey) left a nice big turd for us. V cleaned it best as he could, but it still looked really gross. I used all of the carpet cleaner last night when I got home from posting the flyers, so there was only upholstery cleaner, and I guess it doesn't really work on the carpet. So I super cleaned the floors with the Rug Doctor, and although everything else I cleaned looks really good, the poop spot is still there. It's significantly cleaner, and there is no stink coming from any of the floors, but its gross looking. I tried just straight bleach on it, but that just kind of changed it to a different shade of brown. I'm not sure what we're going to do about it. Maybe just cut it out and stick a new piece of carpet in? Idk.
Once I finally finished the carpets (2.5 hours later), I'm like pooped. So now I'm sitting on the couch eating my lunch and watching Law & Order: SVU. I'm thinking about going to lounge in the pool, but I haven't decided yet.
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