I'm babysitting my new girl, the one who I'm picking up from school...'member? I picked her up for the first time today, and her mom came along so it would be as smooth as possible. I'm picking her up again two more times this week and then I'll be off until October because her mom won't be working, so she'll be staying home with her all day. We got home from picking her up and she went right down for her nap, and immediately fell asleep. I watched a little tv, ate a pb&j, then decided to lay out for an hour, which I just came in from. It was nice, but so so SO hot! They have a pool, but no floats to lay out on IN the pool. So I soaked up the sun beside the pool, and it was hot hot hot! Now I'm watching What Not to Wear (yes, I love this show!), and relaxing. I want to take a nap, but I just don't think I could do that while watching someone else's kid, even if said kid is sleeping. Oh well.

Yoga and Big Brother tonight! (We still haven't watched Sunday night's episode). I'm looking forward to an evening with my love :]
SCHOOL STARTS 1 WEEK FROM TODAY! My second to LAST semester at Valencia! OMG!
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