Monday, February 28, 2011

A Goal for the Week

Me and V decided yesterday that we're going to set a goal for this coming Sunday. He's been struggling to get under 250, and I haven't been able to see anything under 120, so we're both going to try really hard and see if we can get under by Sunday. I'm really not sure if I'll be able to because I don't know what else I can do different? I have faith that he will get under 250 though!

(please excuse my hair and my face, I've been awake for approximately 15 minutes)
Breakfast. Usually at least 5 days a week, this is what I have for breakfast. And on Tuesdays and Thursdays I also eat one at 7pm; 1 hour before yoga.

Did I mention that our hair doesn't work? I think I did when I discovered the dripping, but I haven't said anything since. Well it still doesn't work. We've been surviving without, but over the weekend it got pretty toasty. V tried turning it on yesterday, but it wasn't even blowing out cold air. When we went to bed last night, the thermostat said it was 79 degrees in the house. It's down to 75 now, and it's super nice outside right now (around 67 degrees), but according to my dashboard, today's high is 87. Poo. Apparently though it's supposed to storm tomorrow and only get up to 76, and for the following 5 days, it doesn't get over 80, so this week should be bearable.

Anyways, I have to go get ready for yoga :]

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