Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Last night we watched Coraline and it was freaking creepy! I can't believe that's supposed to be a kids movie! I was honestly scared. I mean, it was good, but SUPER creepy!!!!! 

Hope everyone enjoys their halloween today, even though its raining! Stay safe tonight! 

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Today we carved pumpkins! I picked out a big, tall, HEAVY pumpkin at the patch!

I wanted to carve holes in it to make it look like this one I found...

I thought it looked AWESOME! The girl said she used a drill, so I asked V to get ours, and started mine. It took SO long, and I got so tired! But I finally finished, and I was super disappointed when we lit it up...

My holes were way smaller than hers, and you could barely see the light through it! I had THREE candles in there to get it like this, and I still don't love it...oh wells.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Black Nails!

I painted my nails black for the last week, and I just repainted them (for Halloween!) and I'm really diggin' the black!

It's 7:21pm and V's already asleep...on the couch, right behind me. I'm not tired at all!!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Too Busy!

Ugh! Today was way more busy than I wanted it to be. Usually on my Tuesdays and Thursdays, I try to do a lot of nothing, but today I did too much, and I did not like it!

I went out with my mom this morning, and didn't get home until almost noon. Then I had to go grocery shopping, eat lunch, and be at the vet with Luna by 3:15. After being there for TWO hours (an hour more than I was expecting), I didn't get home early enough to make it to this yoga event I was really looking forward to going to. Needless to say, I was pretty pissed off. So I was going to just go to yoga at 8, at the studio, but then V reminded me that it was his grandma's birthday, so instead, we went over to visit with her. It was nice, and thankfully by that time, I was in a much better mood.

And then my day was gone. I did no homework, which was not my goal.

Now it's late, and I'm tired!


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

High Bun!

Today was super relaxing! I got some things done around the house, and worked on my halloween costume. I also worked on this video I made for ASL and I'm thinking of sharing it with you, but I haven't decided yet! Maybe tomorrow... ;]

Monday, October 24, 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Golf Tourney?

Today we went to a golf tournament at Disney. It was pretty boring, but at least the weather was nice! I'm almost done with my halloween costume and it is AMAZING. Like, so much better than I ever expected. I can't wait until it's completely finished! Hopefully it stays on my head.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Too Legit to Quit

This morning I had to take Luna to the vet because her tube was like leaking, and it was messy and stinky. So they fixed it and we went on our way. After that I went to my sister's house and we went shopping at the mall, she did the shopping, I gave my opinions. 

We went to dinner on the coast to Rusty's  for V's birthday dinner. We had a fabulous time and the food was delish, as usual! Now we're home, hanging out, watching The Addam's Family and baking up some cinnamon buns! 

Friday, October 21, 2011

I Vant to Suck Your BLOOOOD

Well, school wasn't so bad, and when I got home, I was informed that I did not have to pick up Rose from school, so I've been home all afternoon! Woo! I fed Luna, fed myself, and started some humanities homework. I finished the discussion, which completes my module for the week, but now I have a paper I have to's due Monday and I'd really like to get it finished today so I don't have to worry about it all weekend. I had to take a break after my discussion, so I made you this picture:

Nice, right?

I think we're going to some sort of zombie walk downtown tonight...but I don't really know anything about it. Maybe Google will...

What in the...

How did I miss my post yesterday?! The end of the year is near and I'm getting sloppy! I even took a picture on my way home from the grocery store, just for my blog, and I forgot to post it! Forgive me...

I really, really, REALLY don't want to go to school today. I pretty much haven't gone to math for the last two weeks and its been so great. 

This time last week we were in Georgia, on our way to North Carolina. Oh, how I wish we were doing it again today.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

No Nap...

Today I picked up Rose at 2:15. She was down for her nap by's 4:21 and she has yet to fall asleep. She's just been laying in her bed, reading to herself and singing to herself. I got some cleaning done and did  a little bit of humanities homework. I wonder how long she'll stay up there...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Today is my love's birthday! He's 26! Happy birthday, I love you!!!

This post is just for my love today, so I'm not posting a picture of myself. It's all about V today!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Goldie Locks is Home

We're home today. It feels so nice to be here. I love this house!

I'm super happy to see Luna, and I can't wait til we pick up Lacey and Ellie later!

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Today we did a lot of sightseeing and drove through a lot of mountains. It was really beautiful!

Vann was unaware that I was taking a picture, clearly. He was driving fast through the mountain, lol. So cute <3

Saturday, October 15, 2011


So today we were driving back from the grocery store around 5:45 and we drove around the corner, about 30 seconds away from the house we're staying in and there's a flippin BEAR in the road.

A BEAR! You see it?! He jogged in front of my car, then up the side of the mountain

IT.WAS.AWESOME. I've never seen a bear in RL, except once here, but they were in cages.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Today we drove to North Carolina!

The weather is beautiful, the trees are orange, yellow and red, and there are so.many.mountains! 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Forgive Me, Blog!

I didn't post yesterday. It wasn't the best day, and I just lost track of time, I guess, and forgot.

Today I will make it up to you with this video,

a picture of me right now, (up since 6:50 to feed my cat),

(clearly PhotoBooth didn't like how I look.)

and maybe I'll do another post later today.

We leave for vacation tomorrow and I've got a lot to do before then. I still need to do laundry so we have clothes to bring!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


This picture was taken after I got my hair cut...before I picked up Luna from the vet. I'm saving that story for tomorrow, or Thursday because I just don't want to talk about it right now.

But I can tell you that I am not that happy right now.

Monday, October 10, 2011

To Drop or Not to Drop...

I'm seriously considering dropping my economics class and taking it on campus next semester. I just don't get it. all. And I don't think I'm going to, if I don't have someone to teach it to depth. I just got my third homework grade back and I got a 39%. That doesn't even count as an F! I really don't think it's possible for me to pass the class. I don't see it happening. So I think I'd rather withdraw and have a W on my record, as opposed to an F, because at least the W won't affect my GPA. The only thing that will suck is that I just wasted my money on it. Hopefully if I do drop it and take it on campus next semester, we'll at least use the book I already have...

For now, I'm going to work on my glossing, at least that makes some kind of sense to me!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday Salmonday

Extended due date on my economics exam from Monday to Wednesday. YES. Maybe I won't fail it after all!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Baby Registry!

Today I picked up Luna from the vet. She didn't eat anything overnight, but she was pumped with fluids for about 12 hours, so she's nice and hydrated. When I got her home, I put her food dish on the floor in her room. Usually it's on top of the refrigerator so the dogs cant steal it from her. She ate a few bites, which I was happy about, but not too much more. We're going back on Monday for an ultrasound to see what's causing the problems in her liver, hopefully we'll be able to find out what it is and fix it asap!

After that I went out to Babies R Us with my cousin to do her registry and it was so fun! It was nice to spend the day with her and look at a bunch of adorable baby stuff!

Now I'm at home waiting for V to get home from work so we can hang out!

Oh yeah, and did I mention it hasn't stopped raining since like 3am last night. Like literally has.not.stopped. My pool is overflowing as we speak.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Elevated Liver Enzymes

I've been having a hard time with Luna's appetite lately and I started to notice that she just stopped eating. Then this morning when I went to cuddle with her, I thought her ears and nose didn't look the usual pink, so I lifted up her lip and saw her gums were tinted yellow.

I missed my math class and brought her into the vet. She's still there...staying over night. She's getting an IV with fluids and they ran a bunch of tests, all of which came back negative except for her liver enzymes. They're elevated and that's not good. I'm going to pick her up tomorrow morning and hope she eats over the weekend because if she doesn't, I have to bring her back to get an ultrasound that costs $500+ so they can find out why her enzymes are elevated and fix the problem. Thankfully it's not FIV, or feline leukemia, and it has nothing to do with her white blood cells. I really hope that if she doesn't eat and we have to get the ultrasound, that they'll be able to figure out what to do to make her better after we do it.

I made it to class for what I thought would be the last 40 minutes, but we got out early, so I only caught the last 15 minutes, and it was a review for the test next week. I stayed after to copy notes from a girl that sits in front of me, and I have to make sure I know how to do the homework before the test. I have to take it next Thursday instead of Friday since we're leaving for vacation next Friday. Hopefully everything with Luna will be squared away before we leave so I don't have to worry about her the whole time we're gone.

I really really hope that everything is okay with her. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Humanities Exam #1

I just finished my first humanities exam and I feel pretty okay about it. I had some technical issues, had to call tech support, got no support, so I emailed my professor and told her what happened, and gave her my missing answers in an email. Hopefully she accepts them and it doesn't count against me. I'm glad it's done, now I just have to worry about my economics exam for the rest of the week. BLAH!

Today has gone by way too fast!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Nail Art...?

Today I bought a bottle of "precision paint" to do some fancy work on my toenails. HA! I totally suck at it, my nails are more comical than anything.

Meh. I think they look fun, if anything. I'll probably leave them like this for a while because I'm too lazy to change it!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Not So Basic Economics

OMG. I got my first two homework assignment grades back in my economics class...first one I got a 55%, second I got a 52%. I don't understand this class AT ALL and now I have to turn in an exam by the 10th. FAB! She gave us 70 questions, but we only have to do 55 of them. Weird, right? Whatever...either way I'm sure I'm going to do terribly. I don't know what I'm going to do about this class, it just doesn't make any sense!!!


Monday, October 3, 2011

Pooped Already

Holy crap.

Today began my nannying job with a 3 year old named Rose. I pick her up from her school Monday-Wednesday-Fridays and stay with her until her mom gets home from work, about 4 hours later. As soon as we get home from school, she goes down for a nap. And she knows this. Today when we got home, however, she decided she didn't want to nap. I told her she had no choice, because those are the rules, and made my way upstairs to let her dog out. She threw a huge fit because she wanted to let Neil out of his room. I came downstairs and picked her up off the floor, and carried her up to her room. She was kicking, screaming and crying. I set her down in her bedroom, told her it was time to nap, and left. She continued kicking, screaming, and crying for the next 10-15 minutes, until she finally calmed herself down, went to the bathroom, and made her way to bed. I went up there to offer a tuck-in, and she happily accepted. I explained to her, as I was taking out her braid, that I was there to have fun with her, not to make her unhappy, because when she is unhappy, so am I, and I want both of us to be happy and have a good time together. Then I tucked her into bed, and went downstairs. Soon after, she fell asleep.

I'm really hoping that she'll begin to get more comfortable with me and get into a routine, so this kind of episode doesn't happen everyday. Because after that, I'm freaking drained already, and I still have a couple hours to go. Once she wakes up, I want to spend as much time outside as possible, and enjoy this beautiful weather.


EDIT: Rose has yet to wake up. I'm leaving in like 30 minutes. SCORE. This worked out a lot better than I was expecting!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Hangin' Out, Outside

This evening we're spending time outside. I'm blogging and V is hitting some golf balls.

Tomorrow begins my babysitting extravaganza with the little flower. I'm super excited to get to know her, teach her some sign language, and MAKE SOME MONEY. Finally! I can't wait to have extra spending money for myself so when I go shopping with my sister, if I see something I want, I can buy it! It has been way too long!

Earlier this afternoon me and my mom took Ellie and Lacey for a walk around my neighborhood park, it was lovely! Except Lacey is super squirrel cray cray, so it was a little difficult to control her at times.

Overall this has been such a wonderful weekend, I don't think I could have dreamt of better weather!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Beautiful Weather!

Last night a "cold" front came through Florida and gave us the most beautiful day we've seen in a LONG time! It never got over 84, and the humidity was super low. Tonight it's supposed to get down into the upper 50's and tomorrow's high is only 80! It's the first day of October, and hopefully the first day of lots of lovely weather!