Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bouquet Toss!

I LOVE this picture!! The wedding was absolutely perfect! I'm kind of sad that it's over, I had such a good time! It was definitely the best wedding I've evar been to! I'm so happy for my lovely sister and my new brother in law! 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

ABC Story & New Couch!

I finally had enough money to buy our new couch (and coffee table!) this past weekend! We're absolutely loooovin' it!

My ASL III class requires us to do an ABC story. It's where you use the handshapes from each letter of the alphabet. So, here is mine about making a pizza! Enjoy!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

The only green thing I'm wearing are those beads around my neck, so I decided to add a little extra flare! Have a safe weekend!

Monday, March 12, 2012

O, School

Only FIVE (5) more weeks of school! I'll have a week off between the end of this semester and the beginning of summer. I'm still very glad that I'm only taking online classes over the summer, I think it'll be somewhat of a break for me, not going to school for a few months.

This past weekend I took Lacey for a walk with my cousin and her baby around Lake Underhill. Lacey absolutely LOVED it! Afterwards we went to visit Lacey's BFF, Millie, and I ran some wedding errands with my mom and my sister while the pups played at my sister's. By the time we headed home, Lacey was totally pooped! I'm thinking about maybe trying to fit that walk around the park into our schedule at least once a week. I know she loves it and I'd really like to get her back into shape!

I was hoping to get her face in a picture, but it didn't work. This was the best I got, haha. 

Friday, March 9, 2012


Yesterday I went to the beach with my mom and Savannah! It was absolutely beautiful. Perfect beach day. I was very worried on the way because it was super overcast, but it seems like as soon as we got there, it cleared right up! It was nice a breezy so I didn't even sweat! (Until we left, then I broke out sweating when I was lugging the cooler back to the car, lol).

I cannot believe my sister's wedding is in just TWO SHORT WEEKS! At this time in exactly two weeks from today, we will be preparing her to get married!!! AHH! Have I mentioned that I can't believe it?!?! I'm thrilled with how my tan is coming along for the wedding though, I wanted to get a little color because I thought it might look better with my dress! I need to go try it on, actually! I was really hoping to lay out some more today, but it's been super overcast ALL DAY LONG. And it has rained a bit! Hopefully next week and the week after I'll be able to soak up a little more sun. 

I'm sad that spring break is coming to a close, but it just means I'm that much closer to finishing this semester! Over the summer I'm only taking 3 classes and they're ALL ONLINE! So there will be a few months in the near future that I won't be at school at all! It's going to be so nice to just be able to spend every Tuesday and Thursday at home, even if I spend the days doing homework for my online classes, it's worth it! 

Nothing big planned this weekend, besides relaxing with my love. Next weekend is going to be super busy, and I won't get to see him much, so I want to take advantage of the time I will have with him this weekend!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

ASL Filled Spring Break

...thus far! Yesterday I went to Disney with Savannah to observe some interpreters, which was awesome! We saw an interpreter on the Jungle Cruise, TWO at the "Celebrate Life" parade, and the same two again at the Laugh Floor for Monsters Inc. We rode a few rides, had lunch and dessert!

She got ice cream and I got a root beer float!

Then today we met up for a Silent Dinner at the Oviedo Mall. I met 2 Deaf people, one who teaches at Valencia! 

I've got to babysit tomorrow, but then Thursday me, my mom and Savannah are taking a trip to the beach! It's supposed to be beautiful that day, so I'm really looking forward to it!!

What a great spring break I've had so far!

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Almost 90% of hearing parents who have a Deaf child do not learn/know sign language. Can you imagine growing up in a household full of hearing people who you can't communicate with? Especially if those hearing people are your parents?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Hi, Blog!!!

Hey! It's March 1st! I'm about to go to yoga, but I wanted to say hi!

Today I attended my last class before SPRING BREAK! I'm really looking forward to next week, but I know it's going to fly by!

I realized today that I have a $500 SUMMER SCHOLARSHIP!!!! I'm THRILLED about it, mostly because I was planning on having to spend a lot more of the money I had saved, but now I can put it toward my new living room fund!

Did I tell you about that? We threw our couch away a few weekends ago, and I've been saving my hard earned babysitting money to put towards a whole new living room! I'm planning to get a new couch, an L shaped, a new stand for the tv, and a new coffee table! I also want to paint the living room before all of this, so it'll look nice! I'll definitely post pictures whenever all of this happens, but I'm not expecting it until about May, honestly. Just in time for our weekend summer parties!

I found out today that the Ovideo mall has Silent Dinners every first Tuesday of the month, so you know where I'll be this Tuesday! WOO!

Now I gotta go get my yoga on!