Monday, April 29, 2013

Math Final

Well...I just Skyped with my math professor to get the grade for my final.....a 77%. Yuck. I guess I did about as good as I thought, I was just hoping that I did better. Overall, my grade in the class right now is an 86%, but he's giving us a 3 point curve, which would put me at an 89%. He hasn't added in our participation grades yet, which I believe was 10% of our grade, so after that gets added in, I should HOPEFULLY be at a low A. Which is FIIIINE with me, an A is an A...especially in math! Fingers crossed! I think final grades are posted in the next week or two. All I can do is hope!

I just have to say that I'm so glad that class is over. I don't have to take another math class again in my life. Ever. Never. Goodbye mathematics, you will not be missed!!!

It's nice to wake up on a Monday morning and not have to be at school. Woohoo!!!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

What a Wonderful Weekend

Yesterday started with an awesome yoga sesh. Then my sister, cousin and Maddox came over and we spent some time in/by the pool...went to lunch...napped, then went shopping and bought the cutest jeans EVAR at Kohl's for under $5!

Then this morning after sleeping in for a bit, we headed out to the beach! Pretty disappointing trip to the beach, I have to admit. It was raining practically the whole time we were there, but I still had a good time spending all of the time with my V <3

When we got home, V cleaned up the yard and I cleaned up the inside of the house. Spent some more time by/in the pool, and going to yoga soon! This weekend has made for one happy Jessicat. Not to mention my first semester at UCF is OVER! I have a little over 2 weeks off before the summer semester starts and I'm only taking online classes over the summer, so its still sort of like a break from school since I don't have to actually go. Hooray for technology!

This week is turning from April to May. Summer is here and my birthday is approaching! 26 this year...holy crow!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Finals Week

Hey! Do you forget what I look like? If so, here's a refresher...

Me & my freshly painted "coral reef" nails <3 Summertime polish!

So...what's new with you? Want to know what I've been up to since my last update (almost a whole month ago...I'm sorry I'm neglecting you so much this year, blog!)? School, work, yoga, love, life, dogs.

I took my first of 3 finals last week and got a 93%. HOLLA! Tomorrow I have my math final at SEVEN AM. WTF. At least that means it'll be over with early? Lol...trying to look at the bright side! I'm going to try and make it to yoga after my final, depending on how long it takes me. We'll see. After that one is done I'll have one more left in my other online class, but it doesn't open until Thursday, so I'll be taking that sometime Thursday afternoon or on Friday...haven't decided if I want to take it at work or not...I probably won't. It's 91 questions and I think only 100 minutes, so I don't really have time to waste to answer the phone or deal with clients. 

I've been battling a cold for the last week. I noticed it creeping up last Tuesday morning before I went to yoga and literally by the time I got out of class it was already worse. So on my way home I got some zinc lozenges, Airborne, and some chicken noodle soup. After work that same day I stopped at Walgreens to buy some echinacea because a coworker of mine suggested it would help. I've been diligently taking the Airborne 3 times a day, echinacea in the morning and evening, and sucking on the zinc lozenges throughout the day. The cold got worse the next day by about 30% and that was the worst day. I'm quite proud of myself for taking care of that shit and nipping it in the bud before it took over! Hooray for health!

I seriously can't believe that it's already mid April. My freaking birthday is going to be here before I know it, and do you know what that means? That my sister is going to HAVE A BABY even sooner!!!! I'm going to officially be an aunt VERY SOON! I'm super excited to meet that little boy who has no name. I'm also super curious to know what his name will be! Woo!

I'll try and update more often, especially since this semester is almost over, I won't have an excuse! I'm taking all online classes  this summer which will be a wonderful break from driving out to school...but then in the fall I'm going to have a very busy schedule. Since I have good grades, I'm allowed to register for two semesters at a time, which is convenient, I have to say. Did I mention how damn expensive UCF is? Literally twice as expensive as Valencia. Thankfully, however, I have had every semester thus far (and through the spring of 2014) paid for in grants and scholarships. Hooray for good grades! I'm almost positive I will have straight A's this semester and I am very determined to have straight A's my entire UCF career. Anyways, I gotta go make some lunch before work! Toots!