Sunday, September 30, 2012

Energizer Lacey

Today Lacey was a giant ball of energy. Like all day long. This evening we spent a while outside with her, playing fetch. Earlier, she was out with Ellie and I was watching her trying to get Ellie to chase her, but Ellie don't play that. So she turned around and walked on the first step into the pool and then just jumped in the rest of the way and swam around for a minute and then jumped out! So I told V while he was playing fetch with her to throw the ball into the pool and see if she'll get it. AND SHE DID! Three times! I went and grabbed my camera to get the last time on film and I'm so glad I did! She has made such good progress since the beginning of the summer!

After she got out of the pool she decided to go dry off in the grass...and in the dirt. Usually I would immediately stop this from happening, but I figured since she had so much energy, I'd let her. She seemed to enjoy herself!

And after this picture, I gave her a bath! So now she's tired, clean, and happy! 

Friday, September 28, 2012

Yogaversary Number 2!

This is my newest pose that I have conquered and it only took six tries before I got the timing right!

Today is my TWO YEAR yogaversary and I couldn't be happier! I am so so so thankful that OPY found me two years ago today, thanks to my dear friend Lucas. Who knows where I would be without it, but I what I do know is that I am so pleased with how my life has improved over the last two years. So thank you, Orlando Power Yoga! And thank you to my friend Ricardo for joining me for practice this morning to celebrate!

Namaste, bitches!

And for your blogging pleasure, here is a little timeline of all the pictures I took to get the perfect one. You're welcome :]

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


This morning while I was at work, I got a call from the place I told you about the other day. They wanted me to come in for an interview TODAY. I ended up leaving work early so I could get ready to be at this new place by 4 for an interview. I think it went really well, and I'm really hoping I'll get it. When I left, she told me that she had one more person to interview, and then she would make her decision. I know a few people that work there (I worked with them at the last firm I was the receptionist at), and they all put in a good word for me, which I'm hoping will be the winning factor! That and my charm, smile, and awesome personality.

Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday Off

This morning I woke up and met Savannah at her house so we could do a couple things together before she had to go to school. We went up to Waterford Lakes to get ourselves some cupcakes at Sweet! because we've both been craving them for weeks now. I ate one of my two mini cupcakes and was very satisfied! After we got back, I helped her get ready for school and then we ran out to get lunch at Jersey Mike's before she had to go.


Have I ever told you, blog, that I drive barefoot? The only time I've ever driven with a shoe on my right foot is when I had to take my driving test for my license. I've always driven with a bare foot (or a sock, if I'm wearing sneakers). If I'm wearing flip-flops I'll take them both off, but if I'm wearing a shoe that takes more effort to get on/off, I leave the left one on. I've also been very fond of driving like this lately:

It's quite comfy.

I don't have much else to do today except meet Savannah up at school a little later to help her talk to an advisor. I need to get a load of laundry done, but that's about all I have on my schedule! I'm so thrilled to not be at work tonight. I get to spend the entire evening with my man <3

I need to start wearing my hair on both sides again. I've been wearing it all pulled over my left shoulder for a long time now, and I think it's time for a new look. And that's about all the change I can handle! Ha.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Fall Is Coming!

It's about 73 degrees outside this morning and its quite beautiful! I can almost smell a hint of fall in the air and I'm thrilled! I'm really hoping this is a sneak peak of what Mother Nature has in store for us this fall/winter! I would love it if Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas are all nice and cold. It just seems to feel so much more like the holidays if the weather is cooperating.

This afternoon I'm going to yogs for a quick class and then I have work this evening/night. Boo.

Speaking of work...I'm quitting. Ha. Me and V both decided that I'm not making nearly enough money for how much I'm missing out on. I hate working nights...period. It's just not for me! Before I got the job, I always said to V that I didn't want a job that required me to work nights or weekends and when I got the job at the range, I thought I'd at least give it try. It just doesn't work with my life! Anything fun going on happens on the weekends, usually in the evening hours, and I'm missing it. And I have a feeling that now that the holidays are approaching, it's going to be even worse because everyone is going to want time off, and since I'm the new girl, I get put on the schedule to cover for them. So my last day is the 11th of October. I have a potential new job right now that I'm waiting on, so cross your fingers that it works out for me, dear reader!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bye Bye Smelly Carpet!

Yesterday I decided to rip out the carpet in one of our bedrooms. The one we keep the computer in, and Luna's litter box (ew). It smelled pretty bad most of the time in this bedroom because Luna likes to piss all over the place when she's in here at night. I thought tearing out the piss-soaked carpet would solve this problem, so I got started yesterday morning after I did one hundred and three sun salutations at yoga. It was a special class for the Autumn Equinox and there were one hundred and eight scheduled, but I think I missed four or five while I took a couple breaks. It was pretty exhausting and I'm quite sore from it today!

Back to the carpet. I took this project on by myself because I wanted it done, and I wanted it done right meow.

Of course, I forgot to take before pictures before I took all the furniture out of the room, but oh well.

When you see this picture, are you thinking "why would she tear up that carpet, there's nothing wrong with it!"

This is why. Do you see that dark spot in the closet behind the litter box? It's cat piss. Little did I know, it was ALL OVER THE CARPET. 

That's just one area of the padding underneath the carpet. SO GROSS!!!!!

This was right after I got all the carpet out. The padding underneath left little red spots all over the floor that I had to scrub off. By hand. 

It pretty much sucked big time. About an hour later, I was done cleaning the floor and then I headed to Home Depot to buy a tool to get the tracking around the perimeter of the room that kept the carpet down. I stopped by V's work after I went to Home Depot so he could see why my check engine light was on. Then when we got home, he ended up ripping up all the tracking for me. However, during the process, a LOT of the tiles got cracked because the nails from the tracking were straight up nailed into the floor. Awesome. I would say about 60% of the tiles in the room are cracked. It wasn't until the last wall that I thought of the genius idea of just leaving the nails in the floor and ripping up the wood. Oh well. I cannot WAIT until we get new floors!!!

For the time being it isn't too terrible. And it smells a hell of a lot better. But there's tiny little pieces of shit that keeps like breaking apart the more you walk on it, so I've been stepping on a lot of little things that poke my feet. Not cool.

Lacey loves laying in here because its the only cold floor in the house besides the bathroom and she can't fit in there!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Week Full of Work!

This week I'm scheduled to work 5 days! So far, so good. I was scheduled to work tonight, but yesterday I agreed to switch with the girl who was supposed to work this morning, so I opened instead of closed. It sure is nice being home right now instead of at work. The morning was super slow, and it started raining around noon and hasn't stopped since.

I know I've been slacking on my posts, blog, and I'm sorry! I'll try to do better, I promise!

Over this last weekend, I worked on Saturday (pretty much ALL day), and on Sunday me and V spent the day together. We went for a morning ride after getting some donuts from Dunkin and we ended up at Fort Christmas Historical Park. I had never been there before, and it was really cool! There were a bunch of old little houses to walk through and look at.

Then yesterday, I spent the morning at yoga and grocery shopping, and then went to work in the afternoon. 

Thankfully I'm off tomorrow! I'm spending the day with Savannah running errands (which include picking up a birthday present for my mom because her birthday is this weekend...and so is my dad's). I didn't even realize that their birthdays were coming up so quick until about 5 hours ago. This month has just flow by already! 

I think I'm going to take a short nap right about meow. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Third Hole!

I forgot to tell you, blog, but last Saturday I got my ears pierced for the third time. I absolutely LOVE it!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Beach + Sushi = FAB DAY!

Today I went to the beach with my favorite yoga teacher and her friend. It was an absolutely lovely time. The weather was on point, not too hot or too cold, but still sunny. We spent pretty much the whole day there...which is why I have a nice tomato-bisque-hue sunburn. I didn't think I was out long enough to get burnt before I put on my sunscreen. I'm telling you, that weather was just too perfect! I lost track of getting uncomfortable on one side, so I never wanted to turn over!

Those pictures are not edited in any way. I'm that red. I haven't had a sunburn that you could really see like this in years

When I got home, I showered, relaxed for like 15 minutes, and then got ready to go out to dinner with V's best friend who is in town. We went out for sushi which TOTALLY HIT THE SPOT. I'd been craving sushi for the past 3+ weeks. This sushi was even better than I was expecting, so I'm just in a sushi/sunburn wonderland this evening! 

On my way out, dear blog, I have a question for you. When you live with your significant other and you are home without them at a time they are usually home, do you constantly expect them to walk around the corner? I do. I keep almost getting a feeling of V's presence behind me and it's so intense and strange!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Katniss Costume is Coming Along!

This morning I went out to Al's Army and Navy store in Sanford to search for some boots for my Katniss costume for Halloween. I walked in and saw that all of the boots were 50% (OR MORE) off! I found the perfect pair of boots that were originally $49.99 and I got them for $14.99! SO PERFECT! I'm thrilled! I've been practicing my Katniss braid and I have to say that it has significantly improved! All I have left to find is a bow and arrow. V said his dad has an old-fashioned wood one that I might be able to use, so that could work out. If not, I'm going to have to make myself one! We'll see what happens! I'm very excited for Halloween to be here. We have to do SOMETHING because I am not wasting this awesome costume!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Rockin' Roller Coaster

I can't control my shit when that thing first takes off. Zero to sixty in two seconds...I can't handle it! V told me before we took off to make a funny face for the picture. I told him that I have no control of what's going to happen, lol. 

We spent the afternoon at Disney yesterday. Started at Hollywood Studios and went on Rockin' Roller Coaster and then the Star Wars ride (it wasn't nearly as cool as I remembered). Then we went to MK and enjoyed the beautiful weather yesterday brought us. The sun was behind the clouds and there was a loverly breeze blowing. We only rode a couple rides there, but we enjoyed it!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Graduation Application!

I just submitted my application for graduation from Valencia! I'm so happy right now!!! I [almost] have a college degree!

Bye bye, Valencia! This girl is on to bigger and better things at UCF!!!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I'm sorry I haven't been posting everyday...I honestly haven't even been that busy! I'm only working 2 days a week, unless someone wants a shift covered.

Today I hung out with my mom! She came over and we chilled at my house for a bit and then went to lunch on Park Avenue. After we ate, we went for a walk and ended up at the Gap, where we saw they were having a buy-one-get-one-half-off jeans sale, so guess who got a new pair of jeans for only like thirty bucks?! This girl! They're really cute and a freaking size TWO!! The four was too big, which was just glorious, if I do say so myself. I love yoga!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Late Night With Jessicat

HEY BLOG! I've missed you! I've been pretty busy these past couple days. I spent my day helping my brother-in-law move on Friday. He and my sister just bought a new house and I'm SO happy for them! It's absolutely perfect!

This morning me and V got to spend a while together before he left to go golfing, which was nice and relaxing! Not long after he left, I left for work and just got home about 45 minutes ago. I'm showered and ready for bed...just not very tired for some reason! V is already passed out in bed, he's been in there since like 9. Cutie <3

So I'm just hanging out with my Lunes, watching tv for a bit until I get tired. Happy Labor Day Weekend!