Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Beach + Sushi = FAB DAY!

Today I went to the beach with my favorite yoga teacher and her friend. It was an absolutely lovely time. The weather was on point, not too hot or too cold, but still sunny. We spent pretty much the whole day there...which is why I have a nice tomato-bisque-hue sunburn. I didn't think I was out long enough to get burnt before I put on my sunscreen. I'm telling you, that weather was just too perfect! I lost track of getting uncomfortable on one side, so I never wanted to turn over!

Those pictures are not edited in any way. I'm that red. I haven't had a sunburn that you could really see like this in years

When I got home, I showered, relaxed for like 15 minutes, and then got ready to go out to dinner with V's best friend who is in town. We went out for sushi which TOTALLY HIT THE SPOT. I'd been craving sushi for the past 3+ weeks. This sushi was even better than I was expecting, so I'm just in a sushi/sunburn wonderland this evening! 

On my way out, dear blog, I have a question for you. When you live with your significant other and you are home without them at a time they are usually home, do you constantly expect them to walk around the corner? I do. I keep almost getting a feeling of V's presence behind me and it's so intense and strange!

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