Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bye Bye Smelly Carpet!

Yesterday I decided to rip out the carpet in one of our bedrooms. The one we keep the computer in, and Luna's litter box (ew). It smelled pretty bad most of the time in this bedroom because Luna likes to piss all over the place when she's in here at night. I thought tearing out the piss-soaked carpet would solve this problem, so I got started yesterday morning after I did one hundred and three sun salutations at yoga. It was a special class for the Autumn Equinox and there were one hundred and eight scheduled, but I think I missed four or five while I took a couple breaks. It was pretty exhausting and I'm quite sore from it today!

Back to the carpet. I took this project on by myself because I wanted it done, and I wanted it done right meow.

Of course, I forgot to take before pictures before I took all the furniture out of the room, but oh well.

When you see this picture, are you thinking "why would she tear up that carpet, there's nothing wrong with it!"

This is why. Do you see that dark spot in the closet behind the litter box? It's cat piss. Little did I know, it was ALL OVER THE CARPET. 

That's just one area of the padding underneath the carpet. SO GROSS!!!!!

This was right after I got all the carpet out. The padding underneath left little red spots all over the floor that I had to scrub off. By hand. 

It pretty much sucked big time. About an hour later, I was done cleaning the floor and then I headed to Home Depot to buy a tool to get the tracking around the perimeter of the room that kept the carpet down. I stopped by V's work after I went to Home Depot so he could see why my check engine light was on. Then when we got home, he ended up ripping up all the tracking for me. However, during the process, a LOT of the tiles got cracked because the nails from the tracking were straight up nailed into the floor. Awesome. I would say about 60% of the tiles in the room are cracked. It wasn't until the last wall that I thought of the genius idea of just leaving the nails in the floor and ripping up the wood. Oh well. I cannot WAIT until we get new floors!!!

For the time being it isn't too terrible. And it smells a hell of a lot better. But there's tiny little pieces of shit that keeps like breaking apart the more you walk on it, so I've been stepping on a lot of little things that poke my feet. Not cool.

Lacey loves laying in here because its the only cold floor in the house besides the bathroom and she can't fit in there!