Friday, October 7, 2011

Elevated Liver Enzymes

I've been having a hard time with Luna's appetite lately and I started to notice that she just stopped eating. Then this morning when I went to cuddle with her, I thought her ears and nose didn't look the usual pink, so I lifted up her lip and saw her gums were tinted yellow.

I missed my math class and brought her into the vet. She's still there...staying over night. She's getting an IV with fluids and they ran a bunch of tests, all of which came back negative except for her liver enzymes. They're elevated and that's not good. I'm going to pick her up tomorrow morning and hope she eats over the weekend because if she doesn't, I have to bring her back to get an ultrasound that costs $500+ so they can find out why her enzymes are elevated and fix the problem. Thankfully it's not FIV, or feline leukemia, and it has nothing to do with her white blood cells. I really hope that if she doesn't eat and we have to get the ultrasound, that they'll be able to figure out what to do to make her better after we do it.

I made it to class for what I thought would be the last 40 minutes, but we got out early, so I only caught the last 15 minutes, and it was a review for the test next week. I stayed after to copy notes from a girl that sits in front of me, and I have to make sure I know how to do the homework before the test. I have to take it next Thursday instead of Friday since we're leaving for vacation next Friday. Hopefully everything with Luna will be squared away before we leave so I don't have to worry about her the whole time we're gone.

I really really hope that everything is okay with her. 

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