Monday, July 11, 2011

Major + Minor = Success!

I decided yesterday that I want to minor in interpreting when I go to UCF. I'll be majoring in elementary education, but I thought, since I like ASL so much, during the summers when I'm not teaching, or after I retire, I can interpret! I went to school to talk to an academic advisor about my new plan, but I guess the advisor for UCF won't be in until Thursday I'll be going back to talk to him.

I did find out that upon finishing ASL I, II, III, and IV, I'll be getting my ASL Certificate! And since I'll be done with I, II, and III by the time I'm done at Valencia, I'll only have to take IV at UCF, along with whatever else I need for my interpreter education. There's a girl in my ASL I class that is majoring in interpreting, so I messaged her on FB and asked her what she knows!

I'm very excited about this new decision, I feel like an overachiever, and it's AWESOME!

UPDATE: I got a reply from the girl in my class, and she said she transferred FROM UCF to Valencia because UCF doesn't have Deaf studies anymore. I guess they got rid of their program in 2009...I don't know much more, but I'm still going to talk to an advisor at school to see what I can do.

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