Friday, September 30, 2011


Today is Friday, for those of you who didn't know...and it's also the last day of SEPTEMBER. OMG! Tomorrow starts a new month, and brings us that much closer to yet another new year. My goodness how time flies. Seriously. I feel like I just had my birthday, and now it's almost halloween! I've got to get to work on my costume! I had it coming along, but I started working on it again yesterday and after I added the whites to the ears:

I realized how bad it looked...all crooked and not round. So I'm starting over. But it's going to be awesome and I can't wait! I think this year I'm going trick-or-treating with my cousin in her parents neighborhood because I have a feeling we'll get a lot of good candy because there are a lot of kids in her neighborhood! Hollerrrr!

This morning I woke up with V at 6:40 and started laundry. That's right, I woke up just to do laundry. Because at 9:40 I had to leave for school and after school I was going to hang out with my bestest friend and see my gorgeous god daughter! I knew I wouldn't be back til later in the day and I wanted to make sure all the laundry got done, so I started it early. And all but one load was done before I left to go to school. SUCCESS! However, when I got home, I went outside to get the clothes off the line and V's golf shirt (which was the main reason why I had to do laundry in the first place, so it would be clean for his golf tourney tomorrow), had fallen off the line and got all dirty. So now I have to wash that again!

We didn't get assigned any homework in math which I'm thrilled about! I just need to work on glossing my fable for ASL because it's due next week. 

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