Sunday, November 20, 2011

Onesie Cookies?

I don't know if I told you about the onesie cookie cutter I got for my cousin's baby shower...but I wanted to make some cute onesie shaped cookies for her shower in January. I've tried out two recipes; the first was awful, and the second is DELICIOUS, but everytime I pop the cookies in the oven, they blow up! Not literally, they just like swell and look like blobs when they're done, rather than onesies.

I still have time to figure out how to get them right, but I don't know what to do! I need to do some research.

Speaking of cookies, I'm trying to get a job at a bakery! I would LOVE to work in a bakery and improve my baking skills and be around sweets all the time!

V got a mini for the weekend so we went for a nice long ride this morning. We ended up in Daytona when we were sick of driving, but we still had to get all the way back home. It was nice to spend the morning with him though! He just finished up at the range, and now we're going to hang out at home for the rest of the evening. Maybe watch a movie. We'll see! But I'm looking forward to it, whatever we do.

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