Friday, November 23, 2012


...but not in a good way...

I don't think I've ever told you about my sister Sarah, blog. She's the second oldest, and the biggest liar I've ever knows I don't mean to bore you with family drama, but I really need to just get it off my chest. Thanksgiving with my family is on Friday and I literally haven't seen/spoken to Sarah since my birthday in June (when she brought her friend (that I do notlike) to my birthday party, unannounced). Needless to say, this is the first Thanksgiving that I'm actually really dreading because I just don't want to see her.

I've never really not liked any of my siblings, but over the last few years, Sarah has changed into this terrible, lying, conniving, manipulative monster. She basically has my mom brainwashed to believe she never does anything wrong, and that me and Lindsey (my favorite sister who I hang out with every weekend), are evil. I'm not sure I want to get into all the shit she has put my parents, myself and Lindsey through over the last 2+ years, because it's a lot…but then again, I kind of feel like it's imperative for you to understand just how awful she really is. Since it was some time ago, I might not recall all of the details perfectly, but I think I remember enough.

Most of it started in late 2010 when she graduated from Northeastern. I went up there with V, my mom, and my dad. Me and V stayed with my oldest sister, Tessa (who is totally awesome). I recall blogging about going up there because I lied to work so I could leave early and catch my flight, and then spent 80% of the time there on Tessa's couch, and 50% of that time in the bathroom barfing my brains out. (I think it was karma because when I left work, I told them that I had just puked in the bathroom and had to go home needless to say I learned my lesson). Anyways, Lindsey couldn't make it to her graduation, so Sarah was all butthurt about that. Wah wah. But after Sarah graduated, she broke up with her douchey boyfriend and moved somewhere, I honestly don't know where, because she lied about it so much over the next year. She said she was living in like New York, working this shitty job and making no money, so my parents sent her money every month for food, bills, rent, etc. Little did my mother know that Sarah was spending all of my dad's hard earned money on going out and drinking and livin' it up. Lindsey tried to open my mom's eyes to this fact, even had proof, physical proof, and somehow my mom turned a blind eye, and blamed Lindsey for making all of it up. Let's say this is strike 1.

After all of that happened, Sarah moved to Tennessee (I think), moved back to my parents for a bit, and now she has a residence somewhere in California. Supposedly she has a job for some jean blog or something and she lived with her boyfriend. The next thing I recall is her totally fucking over my mom with a credit card. Apparently Sarah had most of the information from one of my mom's credit cards, but was missing a number or something, so she called my mom and asked her for it, and my mom decided that she didn't want Sarah using the card after all, so she told her that she wasn't going to give it to her. Well, Sarah, being the scheming thief she is, somehow figured out the missing number and used it anyways. I believe she ended up maxing it out, and then when the bill came, she told my mom she would set it up for automatic payments out of her account so she could pay it back. Apparently, she set it up to automatically come out of my mom's account instead. Strike 2. But somehow my mom isn't mad about that. What?

At some point in time, she applied for food stamps through the state of Florida and received them. Well, when she moved, she decided to use my address so she would still get them, even though she wasn't a legal resident. I started getting letters in the mail like every couple weeks, and at first, I was planning on sending them to her…but then when I found out all the shit she did to my mom, I decided against it. I figured if she wasn't responding, they would stop sending them. But they didn't. And then she asked about one, a while after I began receiving them, and I decided (along with the help of V) that I didn't want to be a part of it anymore, so I sent it back and wrote "Return to sender. Not at this address" on the envelope. When I told her she got mad. Whatever. Strike 3. I won't help you scam the government out of money for people who actually need it.

She is a terrible gift giver. Last year was our first year doing Secret Santa with the siblings because I just couldn't afford buying seven presents only for my family. The price limit was set to fifty dollars, so everyone could get something equal. I got my Lindsey's husband, Wes, and I gave him a gift card to 7-11 (because he goes there every morning before work), and some golf balls. Everyone else got nice gifts from their Secret Santa's, and mine was Sarah. She gave me a bunch of used books, some soap that she had lying around her kitchen and a bunch of other random shit that used to be hers. *insert disappointment* I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but it just wasn't fair. Everyone else got really great gifts, and I got a bag of junk. Literally. Strike 4 for being too selfish to spend money on anyone but yourself. By now, if this were baseball, she'd be long gone.

But then on my birthday, she showed up with her stupid friend that I really don't care for (and she knows it!). She pretty much just hung out with her the whole time, and the gift she gave me was an old dress that was hers, and some bracelets that also used to be hers. When we went bowling, she invited her stupid boyfriend (and didn't even ask me), and then hung out with him and her friend for the entire time. THEN, when her birthday came in September, I didn't get her anything because frankly, I just didn't want to. I texted her and wished her a happy birthday, and a few days later, woke up to this email from her:

Not even a birthday card, huh? Would you do that to Savannah or even Maddox? A two-word text on my thirtieth birthday. I'm amazed. You do remember that I stayed in Orlando for an extra four days so I could come to your birthday, hang out, swim, bowl with you (even though you guys basically ignored me) and gave you a present? Because that's what sisters do. I would never, ever treat you like this, especially on your birthday. I didn't even get a fucking text message from Lindsey and am lying in bed right now at 2:30 in the morning, crying because I thought for sure your cards would just show up a few days late. I just can't stop thinking about how I would never do something like this to you guys and how you both had no problem doing it to me.

I give up. I just fucking give up on you two.

See the part where she says she stayed in Orlando for an extra four days so she could come to my party? LIE. She was only here because she couldn't get a flight to leave until after my birthday. And the part where she says we "basically ignored her" LIE. She isolated herself with her stupid friend, and later with her boyfriend. And remember the present she gave me? That used to be hers? Yeah…I'm going to have to say this would be strike 5 for trying to make me feel bad when I did nothing wrong. I never replied to the email.

Oh, did I mention she's in town for Thanksgiving? She arrived last Wednesday and I haven't seen or spoken to her yet.

Today I had to work from 8-5 so the other receptionist could have the day off and I planned on having lunch with Lindsey. She also invited her friend Shannon, who I love, and our cousin Alicia! We all went to eat at the Downtown PourHouse and when we got there, I checked us in on Facebook "Lunch date with the ladies!". A few minutes after, I got notified that Sarah left me a comment (or three). "Thanks for the invite, you guys" "No really, it's super sweet and cool." "Like, I don’t feel like crying at all right now. Not at all." All followed by a text from my mother. As if it's any of her business. "I think it was very rude of you girls not to invite your sister to lunch today L." And then another thirty minutes later "You two really hurt Sarah's feelings that you don't care about including her L Please think about this. Love mom and dad" No. This isn't happening. This THIRTY YEAR OLD isn't actually complaining to her mommy about not being invited to lunch. Not to mention she hasn't actually spoken to me since she got here, so why would I be inclined to invite her to lunch with me? I literally have not physically spoken to her since June twenty third. STRIKE 6. Thanks for the invite to your pity party, bitch, but I'm.not.coming.

I was contemplating actually posting this on my blog because it's pretty personal family shit, but then last night, after we got home from Thanksgiving, V informed me that Sarah's stupid "best friend" (the one that came to my birthday party uninvited), posted this on her wall:

Lindsey thought about calling my mom and crying to her about it. Ha. I bet my mom still would have found a way to blame us for being in the wrong.

Thanksgiving with my family this afternoon should be say the very least.