Monday, March 25, 2013

I'm Baaaaaack!

HERE I AM! Just as I promised! You're in for it, so prepare yourself.

Let me see…spring break was two weeks ago? While on break I painted and painted and painted our house. Painted the kitchen (which I showed you), painted our computer room, hallway, and all of the bedroom doors in the hallway (which consisted of 6 total). Wood doors do not take to white paint very well. Did 3 coats on each door and they're still streaky. Oh well…I'm over it! They look decent and white if you don’t stare at them up close ;) That weekend we bought a new entertainment center and lamp for the living room. Our house looks so much better now than it did a month ago and I'm thrilled!

The next weekend we went camping again <3 

I had been working on making a digital story for one of my classes and we were assigned to do it about us. Either a short story about ourselves or something that has changed us, so I decided to do mine about camping! I needed some extra shots, so it was convenient that the weather was perfect to go camping that weekend because it was due on Sunday! I got what I needed and we had a fantastical time.'s my digital story!

I can't wait to go again! We'll only have one more chance before hunting season officially ends on April 21st. I really wanted to go this weekend but Easter is on Sunday and we have to be home for family breakfast and dinner. Bummerrrrr. Especially because the weather this weekend is supposed to be like PERFECT. Not to mention on the backend of the full moon which always means the animals are out and about! Ugh. Oh well. Hopefully there will be another beautiful weekend coming up soon! Speaking of full moons…I just looked at a full moon calendar for the year to see when it would be full next month (just to see if we could get in our camping trip around then, but it's too late). Howeverrrrr, the date for June's full moon is ON MY BIRTHDAY! Happy birthday to me, from the moon! Eeeep!

In other news…my sister is EIGHT WEEKS AWAY from her due date. EIGHT WEEKS PEOPLE! That little boy is going to be here so soon, but it doesn't quite feel real! I can't believe I'm going to be an aunt! I'm going to have a little nephew! Her baby shower is in just a couple weeks and it should be interesting…to say the least! My mother has had control of planning the entire thing. She asked if I wanted to help and I said no…only because I'm pretty busy with school…and the fact that I pretty much planned/hosted her entire bridal shower (which was fun), but it kind of sucked because I didn't really get to hang out or participate in the games! So I'm looking forward to this one more because I'll get to enjoy it and hang out with everyone more!

School is going well. I have A's in both of my online classes and currently have an A in my math class, but I'm a little worried about that grade dropping in the upcoming week. We have our second (and last) test on fractions next Monday and I'm not too sure how good I'm going to do. We had a homework assignment on it and I got it back today and got 14/24. Not very good…I'm hoping after class on Wednesday I'll feel a little bit better about it all. I guess we'll see.

I'm in the process of registering for summer (and hopefully fall) courses. I've had my classes for both semesters in my "shopping cart" for about a month now. Had it all planned out…3 online classes in the summer and 4 classes in the fall, 3 on campus and 1 online. But when I went to register on my "registration appointment" time (at 9:00 PM), one of my classes for the summer is closed (which means there aren't any more seats available), and the other I had to get permission for. So right meow I'm only technically registered for ONE CLASS this summer which is NOT OKAY. I emailed my advisor for some help and she directed me to some other person about the class I needed permission for. She was very helpful and told me that the class is actually unavailable to register for at all right now, until April 4th. Then on April 4th, she claims I won't need permission to register for it. Hmm. We'll see about that. As for the other class, I'm not sure what I'm going to do about it. It's closed right now and there isn't a wait list for me to get on (which is stupid and sucky). There was only one other time for it, on the main campus, but it was until like 3:50 which wouldn't have worked since I have to be at work by 2. It doesn't even matter now because that one is closed too. I don't know what I'm going to do about it. I really don't want to have to add it to my already full schedule for the fall because I'm afraid that it would take a toll on my grades. I mean, I guess if I have no choice, all I can do is try my very best. If it's anything like the class I'm in now (I say this because they're both TSL courses), I think I might be able to handle it, especially if I can take it online. Only time will tell, I suppose.

This past weekend was nice. I spent the majority of the afternoon on Saturday doing my own thing. I laid in the sun for about an hour and got a nice start to my tan. Then I worked in the yard for another hour (and got some more sun that turned into a slight sunburn…oops!). After I got cleaned up, I went to Savannah's little sister's birthday party for a little bit. When I got home, I spent the remainder of the evening with my V and it was wonderful. On Sunday, we went out to the coast in the morning and visited some manatees at Haulover canal <3

Manatee noses!

We got home in time to relax a bit before a nasty storm rolled through. I don't know why, but something told me to bring all of our patio furniture into the screened porch and I'm thankful that I did, otherwise it would have been a huge mess in the backyard! This fast-moving storm came through and gave us some nasty rain, thunder, lightning and HAIL! It blew down part of our fence, and knocked down one of our neighbor's trees. It fell right into the road and blocked like 75% of our street. No one lives in the house, so I took it upon myself to figure out who to call to get it out of the road. Within an hour of calling the appropriate persons, the cops showed up and got to work. I'm not quite sure what they did, but a fire truck came by too. The cop car was still outside when we went to bed (like 5 hours later), and when I woke up this morning to leave for school, all they did was move it into the driveway of the house it was in front of. There's still a ton of debris in the road which I'm not impressed with. I don't know why they couldn't take the extra like 30 minutes and sweep all the shit up. Whatevs, I guess I should just be happy they moved it out of the street!

Work has been great lately. I'm so happy with this job. I think the only thing that could make it better is if I was making a bit more money. I really can't complain though because I don't get paid too terribly for sitting on my ass, answering phone calls that come in periodically (especially towards the end of the day), and occasionally booking a conference room or two.

I started watching The Vampire Diaries on Netflix at work and I've fallen in love! It's like Twilight, but with a bit of a different plot, different characters, and a tv show instead of a movie (so it's longer and more detailed). It's quite good though! It's a nice break after doing homework for 3 hours. Only 4 more weeks left in this semester and then I'm free for like 2 weeks before the summer semester starts! Woooooo! On that note, I'm going to bid you adieu. Until next time (which will hopefully be sooner rather than later). 

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