Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hurt Wrist

After yogs yesterday, I took a dip in the pool with V. I swam a lot and did a bunch of handstands. At one point, I was in a plank pose with my hands on the second step in the pool and V picked up my right arm (and I kept my arm straight), and then when he set it back down, it was a little rough and hurt my wrist at the moment, but just for a second. Then like an hour and a half to two hours later, it noticed it starting to ache a little bit. I figured it would go away after a night of sleep, but when I woke up this morning it was worse. And has gotten worse ever since. I'll be Googling what it could possibly be, and what I could do to help, of course. And I'm going to try some ice and see if that helps. I'm really hoping it'll be better by tomorrow, and won't get much worse today. No yoga tonight or tomorrow, so that'll probably be good. We're running tonight, and tomorrow I'm going to Aquatica with my bestie, so I'm sure I won't really be up for yoga after running around in the sun all day!

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