Monday, July 9, 2012


UGH! So I met up with Savannah so we could go to school together to talk to an advisor. I wanted to find out about graduation, and I had a question about a class. The class I was wondering about was an education class that I was going to take the semester I changed my major from Elementary Education to Sign Language Interpreting. Its just one class and I want to add it to my schedule before I'm done so I'll have it out of the way for when I go to get my Bachelors in Elementary Ed. I also found out that if I hadn't changed my major, I would be graduating in DECEMBER. *sigh* I've been second guessing my major, but I think it's just because I haven't been into ASL much over the summer. Hopefully come next semester I'll be back into it. And lets get real, I'm not actually going to change my major again!

or am I...........


  1. I definitely understand your pain girly! I changed my major about 6 times total between VCC and UCF. I don't regret the extra time it took for me to finish because I graduated with a degree I actually loved. I am sure you will find exactly what it is you want to do. Try not to be stressed, I know it's a frustrating process! :-)

  2. I just feel like its so tempting to switch back and just be a teacher...a year sooner!

  3. You can't do both? Maybe ASL as a minor?
