Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Not Up to Par...

3 classes yesterday. Starts with Interpreting II, then ASL IV, and then Fingerspelling. By the time we finished, it was dark outside. *yawn*

I'm terrified about my interpreting and ASL classes. There is going to be a lot of voice-to-sign interpreting in 'terp II and I honestly don't feel like I'm nearly good enough to interpret anything, let alone in front of the entire class. Yeah. We're going to have to interpret for guest speakers throughout the semester, and (with a partner) teach an entire chapter from our book, all in ASL. 

I'm assuming Adam (my terp teacher), is having us do all of this interpreting in front of the class so we can get used to it, and get better. I hope it works, and I hope I don't crash and burn when I go up my first time, because I'm afraid that's what's going to happen. I don't feel like I'm going to be a good interpreter, honestly. I hope I prove myself wrong, but I just have some huge doubts about it right now.
During ASL IV, we split up into groups and each group had either our professor, or a TA (teacher's assistant) leading it, and they chose a topic that we had to tell what our favorite was (or something like that). I felt like I was the absolute worst signer in my group, and probably in the whole class. I don't feel like I should be in ASL IV because I don't feel like I know nearly enough. I swear everyone else in that class is at least fifty percent better than I am. 


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