Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Stayed Home

This morning I woke up to learn that this shitty ass cold has forced its way into my chest, giving me this lovely and disgusting cough (and manly voice). A friend from work texted me and asked me how I was feeling and offered to cover for me if I needed to stay home. So I called her, and she heard how I founded and pretty much told me she didn't want me coming in and getting everyone else sick. After talking to her, I called my boss and told her I was staying home. I got my prescription filled from my doctor's visit yesterday and started that, along with a nice dose of Airborne and spent the entire afternoon on the couch napping and reading. The weather has been quite complimentary to my sickness as well, giving me a nice rain shower to nap to around 3:00.

I was offered to also stay home tomorrow, but I really don't want to. I feel bad already taking a day off because I haven't even been there an entire month, and I'm already taking a day off at the end of the month for my stupid UCF orientation, and then the entire first week of December for our winter vacation. Not to mention I'm not getting paid for staying home either...part time = no sick days. We'll see how I feel in the morning. I really hope I feel better.

I entered a baking contest at work for our Thanksgiving Luncheon that's taking place on Friday, so sometime before Friday morning at 9am, I also have to make a (winning) pumpkin cheesecake. I'm quite determined to win this contest and show all the other so-called bakers at work who's boss.

I'm going to take a shower to wash all of my sickness off of me before I begin baking my cheesecake. I hope I don't infect it with my cold and get everyone that eats it sick. That's not it? =/

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